
I've never been to a orthodontist i want to know what to expect?

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-getting braces




  1. You have nothing 2 worry about! the only bad thing is slight jaw and tooth aches for a couple days but after that you wont even know they are there!!!! Good Luck!

  2. mum....i have been going to the same one for like a yr and a half and mines is Purdue cool! i get in there early and get out like 5 min later! they just look at ur teeth for like 2 minutes and then they change ur rubber bands and then you leave but it all depends on which one you go to CZ i know mine is fast and easy but my sisters is LOOOONNGG SSLLOOOWWWWW and BBOORRINGG!!!! lol. for real tho!!! have fun! and NO braces dnt hurt so dont listen to all the c**p that people say bout it! when i first got em i was scared cuz everyone was say that it hurt and that my mouth was gona be all swollen n sore but its NOTHING like that! all it does is get sore for a couple hours when u first get em on and then it NEVER hurts again!!! GOOD LUCK =D

  3. Everyone is nice there and they got me really excited to get my braces! Don't worry it'll be great don't be scared. Everyone will love your braces! And afterwards you'll have straight teeth hehe! I got mine off a few months ago.

    And getting the braces on isn't that bad either, you have a weird taste of cement but thats all! c(=

  4. getting the braces put on is fine. thats the easy part. the hours following your orthodondist visit is sheer h**l. your teeth will feel heavy, you cant eat, your gums sore. but EAT ALL YOU CAN BEFORE YOU GO AND TAKE SOME ADVIL BEFOREHAND TOO.  

  5. Don't worry.

  6. orthodonists arent bad i personlly like it better than the real denist, it dosent hurt at all because all they do is change your bands but the first time it hurts a little bit, so you will be fine,

    good luck

  7. Kudos to you in taking the appropriate action to care of your teeth.  The first visit will consist of X-Rays, consultation (think about what are your end result expectations), a cast mold impression of your teeth (no big deal), a treatment time schedule, and cost/payment options.  

    The key to a great end result is to follow the doc's directions along the way and you will be rewarded with a wonderful smile.  Be disciplined with your self.  Pain is up to your tolerance level.  For some it is no big deal and Motrin  will suffice.

  8. oh i have braces

    dont worry theyre not bad at all

    unless ur teeth are really screwed up, but if theyre not tooo bad then it's totally painless, dont worry=]

  9. the first time you go they just look at your mouth, take some x-rays,

    they could do impressions: they get this gooey stuff (like gum) and they make molds of your teeth with it.

    the first time is just a consultation. they will set up a payment program, etc. and do the stuff above but thats it.  

  10. You'll have pain the first week.

    I just go in every month to get different ties.

    Eventually you might get the rubber bands after like... a year or so.

    Those hurt bad at first.

    You will probably have your braces on for 2 years. Maybe less.

    & It didn't hurt me when they put them on. =]

    I'm getting mine off in a week... woo! =]

    Good luck with them.

  11. X-Rays, Molds can be expected. If you are getting braces the only semi-painful process is when you get spacers because its the first initial movement of your teeth. Then a week later expect to be sitting in the chair for a bit while they actually put on the braces - and that's really painful, just time consuming. After that the visits are a piece of cake, you just usually go in and change your color on the braces, which takes like 5 minutes.

    And I took like an aspirin type painkiller prior to actually getting my braces on, and I was in absolutely no pain.

    Best of luck :)

  12. Its been several years since Ive been there, but its not scary. If this is your first appt, then this should be a consultation. If youre getting braces, you will most likely be there for at least an hour. Its not painful until they put the wire in. Thats when your teeth are slowly moving to the position the dr wants them in. Nothing to be worried about.

  13. They will take x-rays and measurements of your teeth to see if you need braces and how long you will need to wear them and if you need rubber bands to correct and over bite if you have one. Then they will take a mold impression of you mouth and some photos. When they tighten your braces to move your teeth around you will not be able to eat much your mouth will be in pain for a day or two then it goes away.

  14. They put braces on,it hurts for a few days. You go back every six weeks, they tighten them. It hurts for a few days until they take them off. Brushing and flossing a lot more work too.

  15. Nothing to worry about im getting braces soon too. its just like going to the dentist, but not as bad to be honest.

  16. you will expect a little bit of pain but not that much

  17. It definitely is worth it.  Braces changed my entire face and smile.  I think I am better looking now that i have had braces.  My face narrowed out and everything lined up.  I now don't have jaw problems too.  It's just uncomfortable not really painful and you get used to wearing them.  The first couple days might be aggravating but then its like nothing is there at all.  

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