
I've never ever been a racist person, ever?

by  |  earlier

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I've always had tons of black, hispanic, indian, arab friends and it didnt matter.

I was jumped and g*y-bashed by a group of "ghetto" black kids recently, and ever since then, I havent been racist, but I have been afriad of some black and hispanic people, not all of them, but the kind that dres kind of ghetto/hood.I find myself hating people who dress like this, and talk ghetto because its like being proud of being uneducated, poor, and ignorant, like I still have all different colored friends, but I've basically cut everybody who dresses or acts like that out of my life. I mean I feel so disgusted by ghetto people, I mean Im so just pissed that they are proud of being chauvinist, homophobic, ignorant and criminal. I just feel like its wrong to portray yourself that way, and then I feel like a racist for feeling that way, and then I feel bad. I dont hate a race of people, just the way certain group of people act and dress and portray themselves, Am I racist?

I'm 13 years old btw.




  1. That's not true, everyone is racist no matter who they are.  There are just different degrees of racism. This is the way we were raised.

  2. Judging people by their type of lifestyle and dress isn't a race. =P I understand your discomfort. I'm pansexual and (although I've never been attacked) I understand the discomfort with certain groups of people. Everyone has their comfort level. Some people hate being around kids with piercings and tattoos while that is MY comfort level. Its completely normal to have your own dislike towards a social group- because that's all it is. A common dislike. And besides I totally agree with you =] It's the over arrogance and general close minded that kills me. But anyway, you're definetly not racist- just finding your comfort zones with different classes of people =]

  3. is ok to feel the way you do, you simply dislike a certain way of life, it does not make you racist.  You had a traumatic experience which made you alter your relation to a way of life, that is ok.  But i am impressed that you didn't let a few bad apples alter the way you relate to others of a different race

  4. Hi, while I don't subscribe to the g*y thing and I'm not bashing you. I just can't understand it. I don't subscribe to violence, hate, bashing or racism either. I believe they are all wrong. That said however, I understand where you are coming from. I come from a certain place where lots of people tend to think its cool to be stupid, ignorant and ghetto-ish and I dislike their attitudes as much as you do. Its not that you hate the persons who portray this - its their attitudes and values that you can't stand. Many times I feel sorry for people like these because I tend to believe that had they been brought up better they wouldn't be like this. I really blame the parents of these youngsters who behave like this.

    I remember meeting a young man who chose to dress like this on a bus. I spoke to him and found out he wasn't a thug, but liked dressing like this. I told him how it makes people view him and he understood. Don't know if he changed his style but at least he is aware of how people view him for dressing like this.

  5. You're 13 and g*y?


  6. You were tramatized and just have an association with these people and your incident. But I've always said: You shouldn't hold stereotypes againsnt someone, but they originated for a reason-enough people are like that, that people started to think this.

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