
I've never got this saying........?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard this saying ' Watch this space' so many time but i really don't know what this means. Any idea?




  1. " Watch this space " used to be printed on billboards, to let people know that an advertisement would soon be there. It has, in recent, years, come into use on websites and the like.

  2. Watch this space... like its special

  3. "Watch this space" as in watch this area (on a website most commonly) for updates or new information in the near future.

  4. it means in a little while i am going to do something really impressive so don't take your eyes off me in case you miss it

  5. it means something more will be added for your information, like watch this space for future tour dates by Sek Loso or "reds look set to sign up Renaldo..wtach this space!

  6. We use it to have someone "hold our place in line" or at a theater to have someone hold your seat (while you go get some popcorn), usually said to a stranger to your left or right. Sometimes it works or sometimes you come back and the stranger just shrugs their shoulders saying "they tried, sorry!"

    A stranger saying is "heads up" when a baseball (softball) is hit into the air, we really want people to "protect their heads" but maybe that's too many syllables

  7. "Watch this space" I think it means to not stand there because there's something there that shouldn't be touched just looked at.  But it can be used in lots of different ways...

    It's confussing :S

    But good question (:

  8. Watch this space means 'Wait and see'

    It is usually said when people are suggesting something may happen in the near future, i.e. 'Will you get a date with ....?'

    'Watch this space' means, 'sure I will just you wait and see'.

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