
I've never had a check book before?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting ready to order checks, and this website i found that had a really cute cheetah print check is asking for things I don't know such as the check number? what do i put for that? and a fraction number?

do i need to call my bank and find out?

or is there another way i can find out?





  1. regardless of the design it is important that you get something called DUPLICATE CHECKS...this type of check produces a carbon copy of whatever check you write so that you don't have to make an entry in a check register and you won't be asking yourself "What was that check for $50?" at the end of the month.

    Start the checks at number 100.  I don't know what they mean by a "fraction number"

  2. I'm not sure I fully understand your question but here's a start at an answer.  When they ask for the check number what they want is what number do you want to have as the starting number for your new checks.  Your choce perhaps 200 or a 1000 would be good starting numbers.  The checks they print for you will start there and go up depending on how many boxes you order.  On reorder you start with the number your current checks run out at and continue on e.g. I'm on number 6750 in my current serous.

    The other numbers they want would typically be the routining number for your bank followed by the complete account number.  When you opened the account the bank gave you a set of starter checks and than perhaps send you a box or two they printed.  At any rate the numbers you want appear at the bottom of the check starting at the very left you will find the routining number which will be an 8 digit number with some symbols in it, igore the symbols.  the next ten numbers will be your account number which includes your bank branch ID and your account number.  

    Hope this helps you enjob the new checks.

  3. very strange that you did not get some free checks when you opened your account with an order form attached for more.

    Call your bank and ask about checks... becareful about ordering checks from a website...this is a way to get your vital information for identity theft.  It will probably not be possible to order checks from anywhere without your account number and bank routing number (printed on the bottom of each check in special numbers...that is why you have to have a check and/or order form from your bank...Call them before trying to order checks from anywhere.....

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