
I've never played club volleyball, so i dont know what position i am. how do i find out?

by  |  earlier

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i've played in rec leauges and school but we just switch around. the summer volleyball camp i am attending needs to know what i position i am.




  1. if your tall your definitely a hitter there is no question about it. if your short your a passer. average height is usually setters but of course their are exceptions my teams leading blocker is only 5'2!! you find out by asking your coach or knowing what your best at setting, hitting, or passing.

  2. say your a utility player! this link tells all about them;...

  3. it really doesnt matter just practice everything and your coach will decide where to play you!!! like me when i started playing 6 years ago i didnt know that i was either and now i can play anywhere!!! just try any position you are intersted in!!


    Left handed- Right side hitter

    Can Jump high- middle blocker

    Can hit hard at many angles- Outside hitter


    Pass pretty well- Libero

    Tend to pass better towards your right- Left back

    Tend to pass better right in front of you and high- right back

    Good luck and have fun!!!

  5. Ask your partners/coach/friends about it. If you have good hands, you definatly should be a setter. If you have good defense, libero (that's the frensh name, i don't know how you say it in english D:), and so on and  so forth. A good impulsion and hight will also help. But at the beginning, it's just hard to know by yourself, so just ask others. And keep in mind that hight is not all in volleyball, you could be really tall and be more suited for the setter position, or really small but be real good at center or at the wings position. However, if it's your first time i probably suggest that you start off at the 4 (wing) position, for it's the position that you will use all volleyball techniques. Good luck in your new ligue and have fun :)

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