
I've never played volleyball other than in PE. I want to try out for the freshman team. Any tips for tryouts?

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I'm 5'5" and very athletic. I'm transferring to this school so its all new to me. I didnt have a volleyball team at my old school but I really want to do it.




  1. just do your best and when you go to bump the ball just remember to get low to the ground and use your legs not your arms~ if you use your arms the ball wont go where you want it to! start running & just have fun! if your not having fun then that means you dont like the sport so just remember that and dont be nervous! volleyball is awesome!

  2. Run run run.

    And condition on your own, too.

    Strong legs are important.

  3. Keep working out by running and such at our school the girl's team works as hard as our football team, pratice the basics and best of luck

  4. I tried out for the freshman team..found out today I didnt make it..

    it sucks..bad..

    but just try your best.  

  5. Practice under arm serves, digs and sets. Be confident and enjoy it!!

  6. be confident. act like you own that court! and work out like lift weights (you can google good techniques) and  i would say practice everything you know how to do like set or bump or serve or whatever it is you know how to do. you should maybe search the internet for information on how to do certain things and good ways to prepare for the season. some websites are very helpful

  7. hmm my tryouts started yesterday, our team had practices over the summer so i went to a few of those. u shud check and see if your team does them too. most do.

    As far as things to work on..

    --get a vball and pass it to someone or on a wall its perfectly fine. make sure u have a good stance and u aren't too stiff.

    --on the wall work on setting, make a diamond with ur fingers at ur forehead and push outward towards the ball. like superman. um then work on spiking.

    --practice jumping as high as u can. then do ur approach. THEN add the ball. have someone toss or set it to you.

    --for high school u shud try to have an overhand serve so try to get it the way Ur most comfortable making as many in bounds as u can.

    running...i hate it ...anyways its high school and they want their most dedicated players so conditioning is key for them to figure out who REALLY wants to be there. and they will probably run u the most during the tryouts. so everyday try increasing the amount u condition because its important.

    and last but not least do LOTS of ab workouts and arm workouts....more ab then arms tho. do crunches and stuff. and also stretch a lot. before and after u workout and practice but also um in between it is important to have good flexibility.

    hope this helps


  8. Don't be nervous i know that will be hard.. but just try not to be that coul make you mess up alot. But high school definetly practice your overhand serving... and spiking. if you have a volleyball net set it up and start practicing everything you can think of from bumping to spiking. and make sure you're in shape when you go... so you're pumped up and wont get cramps in or stomach or such. i wish you the best of luck... volleyball is extremely addicting! have fun! megan<3

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