
I've notice the this is a man's world at the end of the day. Is it because the first women ate that apple?

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I've notice that this is a man's world at the end of the day,

Is it because the first women ate that apple?




  1. i'm sorry, but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about with the whole "man's world" thing.

  2. The men who run the world like to have women be 2nd class to them.  So the bible story of Adam and Eve was invented, partially, to help keep women in their place.

    Sad, but true.

  3. This is a man's world, this is a man's world

    But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

    - James Brown

  4. And it's only because man has superior physical strength. And no monthly curse.

  5. hehehe! no, the only thing the Adam and Eve myth does is justify the the subjugation of women.  the subjugation itself is simple primate instinct.  most primate social groupings have a male oriented hierarchy wherein females and lesser males are subordinate to a larger and more aggressive alpha male.  most religions reflect this base animal instinct.

  6. Not sure if it was the apple that brought womankind down, but it sure didn't help!

  7. It's more about biology and hunter-gatherer culture. Men are bigger and stronger and women are frequently burdened by pregnancy or children.

    Brute force wins every time. Men get to make the rules because of it.

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