
I've noticed that one of the best ways to break a stereotype is in artistic expression?

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For instance, men are often stereotyped as shallow and s*x-driven. They are shown to sleep with women who are looking for a relationship and then dump them (thinking nothing of it). Heres a song that (gasp) expresses remorse and guilt over a situation like this. Do you have any examples of music that break gender stereotypes?

"This is the moment that you know

That you told her that you loved her but you don't.

You touch her skin and then you think

That she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me.

Yeah, she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me.

I spent two weeks in Silver lake

The California sun cascading down my face

There was a girl with light brown streaks,

And she was beautiful but she didn't mean a thing to me.

Yeah, she was beautiful but she didn't mean a thing to me.




  1. I think music is a good way to break down stereotypes, racism, sexism and ignorance in general. Music is a powerful language that we all understand but as far as other types of artistic expression go(theatre, dance, etc.) if you are a man you just get stereotyped even more.

  2. That's great.

  3. Music is a good way to address stereotypes and potentially change them. There are other ways too. Prove them wrong by your life. I try to. I'm a homemaker with 2 little kids. Stereotypes say I should be lazy, fat, kinda dumb, wearing the pants in the family, bitter and/or resentful, boring to talk to, frumpy, etc. That or completely shallow and self-absorbed and obsessed with facials, pedicures, gossip, and shopping. So I strive to live in such a way that the stereotype will not apply to me. Proving stereotypes wrong through your actions is just as attention-getting as using music or other artistic media. And it's fun too!

  4. There is no point in feeling remorse or guilt without change. Each of those feelings are just being used as tool to make you feel like a better person (since I feel guilty I have a heart) until the next time you decide to be a jerk.

    Sorry bit of a rant there. Let me try to think of one.

    I suck

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