
I've now seen two very large black spiders in my bedroom.Help?

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They haven't tried to bite and in fact just run off. I'm very fearful of spiders and would like them gone. It's black and has very large legs and some hair. I'm even to afraid to look at it dead. I have a feeling that there may be more, under my bed which is the darkest most undisturbed place in my room. I heard that spiders like warm places and with all of the things under my bed, I suppose it would be rather easy for them to run and hide in there. I would like to look under my bed and look for a nest, as frightening as that prospect is. Is there anything that may help to kill them first? Or any suggestions about how to keep them away?Oh and if it helps my home is older, from the 1890's. I know that we should make sure all cracks, windows and doors are sealed. Thanks in advance.




  1. You can buy ultra sonic plugs that you plug into a 13amp socket and they drive out all insects, available in B&Q

  2. First of all pull your bed out and thoroughly vacuum underneath (should be done periodically you know for dust mites, fleas etc.).  This will prevent too many spiders in your bedroom.  If you live in the UK remember there are no dangerous spiders here, so don't worry about that.  Also remember that having a spider or two in the room will prevent other insects i.e. they eat them.  All part of the natural cycle.  Give your spiders a name each and then they will not be so frightening.

  3. dear Jetta,

    there,s an old saying that goes;" if you want to live and thrive, let aspider run alive"

    I was afraid of our eight legged chums when I was young

    but  overcame my fear(eventually), when my grandad put al

    large hairy spider in an empty jam jar ( with alid) and because it was unable to get out I waseventually able to hold it.

    I am now head spider remover at home as the children don,t like them.

    I know your fear seems very rel to you ,but if afriend or family member could help you try this method , it may work for you. here,s hoping!!

    good luck, jetta!!

         best wishes


    tony. d


  4. Just remember they will not hurt you.  Find someone who can catch them in a jar or box and put them outside.

  5. a spider will not normally bit a human. use a vacuum to clean under the bed suck all the spiders up but i have never see one under a bed usually spider on webs near the ceiling on the walls in corners

  6. I think you'll find they're "just" house spiders, not in the slightest dangerous. I, too, am arachnophobic and for me it's the vacuum cleaner with a long pipe.  There won't be a "nest", they're solitary creatures that hunt alone for flies, bugs etc.  Solved the problem for myself some time ago by doing what I should have been, thorough & regular vacuuming under the beds, under the furniture etc, not leaving any quiet, undisturbed corners. And evicting any tiny ones that come in (which I can cope with) before they grow up.

    You can get a spray which is a combination of chestnut & clover, spray it around windows, doors etc. and they don't seem to want to cross it.

  7. get a cat. mine eats all spiders, flys and moths etc. she is partial to  bumble bees on the odd occasion too!! Just point a spider out to her and yum yum, crunchy!!!

  8. I understand your fear as i have Arachnophobia..

    i never seen one that big, if i wear you I'd call an exterminator as i can't take it :'(

    I've also heard that cats are helpful

  9. sounds like the "night spider", that only normally feeds in the dark, and it eats blood. They are invincible.

  10. I think you should get your phobia looked sounds quiter excessive.

    Pint glass and a postcard if you don't like touching the hairy little fellas.

    Unfortunately, I don't think you'll ever get a spider free household.

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