
I've proven to be clairvoyant according to my self-tests. Now what?

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After 2 very successful trials of guessing marbles in a bag, I have proven to be clair voyant. (At least that's what the book says.) So now what? Is there anything I can do to benefit ESp studies and etc.?




  1. If you're serious, then a good objective test is *very* easy to arrange.  Just get someone to shuffle a pack of cards.  Then, without peeking, write down what the top card is, and tell your friend to turn it face up.  If you were right, score 1 point.  Do this with all of the top ten cards.  

    Do this experiment a few times.  If you regularly score above chance, then it is worth investigating further.



  2. I think the next step might be to take an objective look at that self-test and see if it really demonstrated what it says it did. As a rational person, you always want to double-check results that are unusual or unexpected and not blindly accept them without doing some analysis of your own. I think that would the wisest course of action. Based on your description, I'm sorry to say that I don't think this test is very meaningful. Statistically speaking, just 2 trials of anything is nowhere near enough data to provide for a statistical analysis, so I am very dubious of this test. I would want to see more details of the marble-guessing to be absolutely sure. If you have a link describing this test, I'd be interested in looking at it.

  3. I say, go for the grand prize.

    Quote:" At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."

  4. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Voyant.  

    Clair, why don't you come back to ask about your special powers when you can have somebody else fill up the bag with marbles and then miraculously tell how many are in there.

    I'll bet you can tell how many fingers I am holding up right now.

    Yes, just the one.

  5. Knowing how many marbles is in a bag doesn't make you clairvoyant.

    Clairvoyant means "clear seeing"

    A clairvoyant has visions.

    Picking marbles in a bag just means you are a good guesser. You have a 50-50 chance of being right.

    Try picking cards from a full deck. If you get a number of those correct you MAY be clairsentient - which means "clear knowing."

    Oh yeah - and stop with the name calling. You can't come looking for help and then be rude to people.

  6. Self-test is not a good test of clairvoyance. The test should be conducted by someone else who is willing to hold you to strict performance standards. You should meet as many people as possible who claim to be "psychics" and decide which of them is most willing to be honest with you. Someone who says "You're clairvoyant" without being tough on you is not doing you any favors. A good teacher will make it hard.

  7. Clairvoyance is simply seeing with the intuitive eye. You can try some exercises to strengthen your pineal gland (third eye) and begin to work with it in a more useful manner.

    One is to do what people call candle gazing. I have posted a link to an exercise below. You can also find a lot of benefit in meditation as being able to clear your mind will help you to receive things. I have done dance meditation and it's really wonderful for letting go and opening up. I have also posted a link to a nice meditation site you might enjoy. The music will help quiet your mind at first.  It's important to have a clear and honest intention when working with spirit. Best wishes!

  8. There's not much money to be made guessing marbles in a bag. Sorry.

  9. What do you mean by guessing marbles in a bag?  It's very possible you're ignoring statistical effects or fooling yourself.  It would help if you posted more information.  Plus, two tests are not really significant unless the chances of being correct were extremely low.  How many unsuccessful trials were there?

    But if it really was a successful test, then the next step is to claim your million dollar prize - by demonstrating your ability to this guy .  Since no one has ever successfully demonstrated clairvoyant ability, ever, scientists would be extremely interested in learning about your ability.  So show this guy, and he'll get you in touch with everyone in the field - probably even win you the Nobel Prize!  What's stopping you?

  10. Uh...a true claivoyant would know.  Sorry, I could not resist ;-}

  11. I've proven that I can be in more than one location at the same time, now what do I do?

  12. well, you should know what's going to happen next... 8^|

  13. I agree go to Randi.You'll be world famous and rich beyond measure.All you have to do is prove it.Shouldn't be too hard.

  14. Personally, I would do more than 2 trials. I would do like 100 trials before I tried to go anywhere with this.

    Make sure you did not just get lucky.

    Make sure that if you go against someone who knows about statistics that you will get enough right to be more than random chance.

    Im not sure what the marble test is, but figure out the odd, go to the math section if you need to.

    Then make sure your numbers are well above those, and are well above those numbers everytime you do the trial.

    Otherwise, you will not be proving anything.

  15. gee...i could be clairvoyant or anything else i wanted after doing testing on myself.

  16. congratulations on your accomplishment. i would think the next step would be to spend some time in meditation which will teach you to relax your mind and allow your ability to grow. I am sure you already know that you do not have to prove yourself to anyone as you know what you have and that's good enough. Use your skills to help those around you, this will also allow you to advance. Like with anything the more you do the better and stronger you will become.

    Best of luck

  17. Do yourself a favor.  Before you do anything public, try a test that is double-blind.  Have someone else set up the test, and another person who has no contact with the first record the results.  I'll bet that when you add controls, you don't get more positive results than will be expected from pure chance.

  18. I would suggest you play the lottery.

    Seriously though, don't worry about it.  It will find you.

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