
I've put this off for too long!

by  |  earlier

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I wanted to ask this question in yahoo's answers for almost a month now and finally I sit down here and ask.I moved from IL to Mn.Couple of years later,my brother came lived with me for a while,then it was time for him to get his own.He moved into some college dormrooms,I cosigned his lease to get him some place to live.he lived there for a couple of years then someone vandalized his vehicle pretty bad.he wanted to move.The rent was approx $ 300 a month.He broke his lease about 3 months early after his vehicle was vandalized.To make a long story a little shorter.....I started getting calls from what I thought was a collection agency,I didn't take her real serious and next thing I know,I have to pay close to $4000.Please.I neeed for someone to give me some good news and tell me that I shouldn't have to pay $4000.Let's do the math>>>3month*300=$900.add on late fees $300.lets add in cleanup fees,i am estimating $150.In total,we have $1,350.00.How did it jump to $4000.I never had the chance to go to court for that.That's what gets me,I never had a chance to go to court!Is there anyway for me to get this lowered?Is there anyone I could talk to?They are garnishing my check and they are taking a chunk and I have no idea how much more I owe them,I don't get payment receipts or anything.They have been taking money from me for about 2 and a half months and I have no idea how much I paid or how much I owe.Some will say,"Just get it from your brother!" I agree but he's still isn't in a position to really help.I hope someone can give me some advice please




  1. This is a real website This guy writes the consumer affairs column for my paper. You can download info on how to deal w/this stuff.

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