
I've read the children's bible version... does that count as having read the bible?

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Question 2: Why are there no dinosaurs in the first page where it shows the Garden of Eden...?




  1. Yes, it's still a Bible.

    You didnt see dinosaurs there because you'll see something like that in Job, Psalms, and Isaiah?

  2. Yeah, it still teaches the same thing, just not in great depth.

    With respect to the dinosaurs, i dunno... are there every single other kind of animal from the world there? Maybe they didn't want to confuse the children...

  3. Both bibles are stupid.

  4. Good for you, you deserve a star for that but not for the question.

  5. The term "Children's Bible" is redundant.

  6. It's a start.  Now that you've read the Children's Bible, why not read the real thing?  If you can't seem to grasp The King James version of The Bible, may I suggest The Holman Illustrated Study Bible.  It's a awesome Bible that's translated into modern english. I personally use both.

    Question 2:

    Just as you have scientists that can't agree on each others theories, the same applies for Christian scholars.  Most people think that The Bible doesn't mention Dinosaurs, but it does!

    * The Behemoth Job 40:15-24

    * The Leviathan Job chapter 41, Psalm 104:25,26 and Isaiah 27:1.

    Further study can be found here.

    Remember, in the six days of creation, God created ALL things.  To include Dinosaurs.  

  7. 1) I've read the children's bible version... does that count as having read the bible?

    Well, that depends on which children's bible that you have read.  Some children's bibles are complete and reasonably scholarly translations (for example, the Contemporary English Version).  Others are "paraphrases" or "re-translations"  (e.g. NIrV), while others are severely abridged picture books retelling popular biblical accounts in fairy-tale-like fashion.  If you read one of these latter types, it does not count as reading the bible.

    2) Why are there no dinosaurs in the first page where it shows the Garden of Eden...?

    This was answered well above, unless every zoological "super order" or "order" of land animal was displayed in that picture, it is no surprise that several orders and super-orders of animals - including dinosaurs - were omitted.  In a "complete" picture, we would expect, for example, a langolin, a duck-billed platypus, a kangaroo, an o'possum, a bat, etc. etc. etc.


  8. It's all the same rubbish

  9. 1

    I would say no. Although it is a Bible, this book is adapted for children and many things are missing in it because the author probably thought that a child wouldn't understand what it says.

    Read the normal Bible and pray that God may show you and explain you things you don't understand. For a Christian, it is essential to read the whole Bible because it's the way for getting to know God.


    Depending on the publisher and the illustrator, the picture shows (or not) all of God's creation. Dinosaurs did exist.

  10. No, you need to read the bible in its full, un-abridged nastiness

  11. Oh boy. Yes.... Dinasours were extinct when the bible was written, and as man wrote it, they are not mentioned, but big beasts are....

    Remeber. Man wrote the Bible. Not God's fault they got lots innacurate.

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