I've been playing for over a year now, and technuiqe wise, I think I'm doing great. For what I can play, I play really well, and everyone says it sounds awesome.
But, my problem is, I'm stuck. I can play some songs, and I can play them pretty good. But that's all I can do. I couldn't even tell you what key I'm in or what chords I'm playing 90% of the time. I've never had any musical background or teacher, so I don't know anything really about music theory. For the past few months, besides picking up on some new songs a little bit, I haven't done much at all. I kinda hit a wall.
So I want to ask, did this happen to you? Do you know what I should do or try? And do you think I can make it past this barrier to be able to learn more things and really broaden my horizon? Tell me some about what you did on your guitar journey!
Anyways, I know that's kind of alot, but any answer at all would be great, it's driving me up the wall!