
I've received 2 tax certificates (from previous and current employers). How to claim my tax back?

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I'm an international student in Sydney Australia and never claimed tax returns before. Thanks!! :))




  1. G'day,

    What's with the first answerer?  Nevermind him.

    Wow... 2 jobs!  Cool mate.  There are 2 choices for you:

    1. Lodge your tax return yourself.  It is free but alot of questions that will make your brain hot and may take at least 2hrs to do it properly (if you read every little points).  You may enter the wrong information or claiming what you're not supposed to (means that you may get penalty when audited) or you did not claim enuf b'cos you just dun understand the meaning of the points (means that you get less refund).

    2. Take it to an accountant or Tax agent.  They can assist you in filling the claims and even ask some basic questions that you would have never thought of to help you claim more of your tax return.  Yes you have to pay them, but you can claim it in this year's tax return (in July 2009).

    Hope this helps.  Good luck mate.

  2. Please watch this video the government has been lieing about the taxes we are suppose to pay.

    Educate your self now why you have these questions.

    I''m not some crazy person i', a 29 year old single mom of 4 and i own my own business......

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