
I've recently become addicted to online gambling. Does anyone know a good way to kick the habit?

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I've recently become addicted to online gambling. Does anyone know a good way to kick the habit?




  1. First, uninstall the software from your computer.

    Second, find a new hobby or project to occupy your time.

    Third, Completely cut off all things that are related to gambling.

    Fourth, do not attempt yourself.  It means do not login to any gambling site; do not deposit one 1 dollar to any online account, do not watch TV that are gambling related.  

    Last, ask yourself this question:  Was life better or worse before you addicted to gambling?  You will find the right answer.

  2. If you have a problem, then you have to do something drastic.  If none of the above work, then you have one thing that will work.  Go strictly cash and carry.  Close your gambling accounts and either close your credit card accounts or put all credit/debit cards where you cannot access them or their numbers for several months.  You will need that much time to get into a routine that involves not gambling at all.  You can start walking around with your credit cards again when it's been a month since you last WANTED to gamble, not since the last time you gambled.   It's a pain, but, if you are truly having a problem, it won't be long before you will be able to appreciate having cash on hand again.

  3. promise somebody in real life that you will do it. if somebody is checking on you, you are more likely to keep your word.

    another thing you can do is set a "last game." try to plan it so that you have nothing left, and enter the biggest tourney you can afford (if you have a large amount in your account, cash out at least 3/4 of it.) in the days previous, just psyche yourself up for this one game, and concentrate on leaving the game right after. what is probably keeping you coming back is the idea that you can win back all your losses on the next game, which makes you reckless this game. if you put all your effort into one game with the idea of quitting afterwards, win or lose, it's easier to let go.

  4. Ask yourself the following questions:

    1)  Is internet gaming fair and are the outcomes random?

    2)  Do I have recourse if I feel cheated?

    3)  Do I feel a sense of belonging and camaraderie with my fellow on-line avatars as I sit alone at my computer terminal?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're way gone.  If you're troubled by these queries, there's still hope.  Call (800) 522-4700.

  5. don't walk, run to GA

  6. Disconnect your computer for starters.  Stop your internet service.  You wil be in the poorhouse real soon.  Good Luck!

  7. Uninstall all of the sites on a "wanting to quit day" then contact the sites and tell them you want to delete your accounts. It's a difficult habit to get out of and easy to slide back into, so without the accouts you can't play. Try thinking of better ways you could spend the money....... like before you put money on your account think... " I could spend a day out with my friends with this money" Days to remember, not days you'd rather forget

  8. ohh me 2 just put ur self in a bad mood

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