turn it on to try and stop it. But last night i had this really weird dream.
Now, this was a dream so it's kinda broken and yeah, please don't judge me by it, it was a dream.
anyway...So i'm leaving with my bf(not my real one, some dream bf) to go somewhere, i think on vacation in colorado or somewhere cold. and it's a log trip so i'm going around to say bye to everyone before getting on the bus to leave. So i say bye to everyone but the last girl and when i say bye she leans in and kisses me. she stops and says sorry but i say it's ok and she's like Really? and we und up making out on the bed and doing...other things(for the sake of guidelines and whatnot i'll leave it at thet). and i end up taking so long i miss the bus and my bf friend comes looking for me. then i think he found me but i can't remember anything else.
Is my subconsious trying to tell me it's something i really want to do? or what?