
I've recently finished my first ever short story, i'm planning on sending it away to a magazine but....

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i read that you should have two or more, presumably to show your range.

My first short story is a horror, with a bit of a love story in it.

I fancy writing another short story, but would it be a good move to write another horror, or should i attempt a different genre altogether?

I'd say i am a Horror writer, but at the same time, i don't want to end up becoming stereotyped as ONLY a horror writer, but, Horror seems to be my strongest genre so...




  1. Two or more to show your range? To who?

    Only send one story per envelope at a time to a magazine... make sure the story is double-spaced... send a simple, to the point cover letter, and if you want the story back, enclose a stamped self addressed envelope.

  2. I say since you are just starting out you should try different genres. See which one you like best. That way you can find your style and not wind up pigeon holed in a genre you don't like.

  3. Write what you feel like writting... that's what you'll write best. Dont worry about the genre... you need to find your own voice first, and the only way of doing it is by writting.   Maybe you end up discovering that its not horror what you really write best... or maybe you can end up inventing a whole new genre...

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