
I've run too much and now my legs hurt. What am I to do?

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Earlier the chemist had told me that sometimes if you don't have enough iron, your legs(well, muscles) may hurt after training. Do you know anything more about training and my current event?

Please explain it, I love hearing how things work.

Thank you.




  1. well i run xcountry and it just might be from sorness. try eating more protien it will bulid up your leg muscles so they wont hurt as much

  2. Take a break, until you notice they are starting to feel better.

  3. If your training hard your legs should hurt afterward anyway! I always find taking a really hot bath helps to relax those achy muscles! Put some Epsom salt in the bathwater too if you've got any, it really works wonders, trust me!

  4. step 1. Sit down

    step 2. maintain step 1

  5. you are prob. just sore and you are prob. gaining muscle and if you need to take a break

  6. try resting a day or too.

  7. I believe you started running suddenly or had no massage or guidance how to run ...what to do after the run id over. The instructor's guidance is important. Don't run beyond what your body system doesn't permit to withstand.

    If you are running for the first time,. it's better start slowly ....incrrease the pace and duration gradually and massage yourself or do some  strectch out after completing the run ...that's very important. Increase the pace and length gradually....not just suddenly and once in while.

  8. An ice bath would be the best thing. Fill up your tub with cold water and put ice cubes in it... get it to be like 55 degrees. Sit in the tub for 10 minutes, your legs will go numb, and when you get out the blood will rush back into your legs and clear out the lactic acid that is causing the soreness. your legs will feel brand new the next day. dont stay in any less or any more though.. and ya, it sucks. but it works!

  9. Forget the iron. Hot bath or shower-power nap. In that order.

  10. I stratch and warm up before a run, and make sure I rest in between runs, and also Ive started using a whey protein shake to suppliment my food intake, its not a bulking thing but helps the muscles recover quicker. You could perhaps use creatine too, but the jury is out if it really does anything for endurance running due to water retention, and how creatine stores energy in your muscles.

    After Ive ran I warm down, stretch, shower and drink lots of water and eat as soon as I can.

  11. icy/hot, i know it smells but it really helps soothe the muscles, or try taking a warm bath.

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