
I've seen a few articles about pet Skunks, where can you get them?

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Where can you get them in the UK? Do you need a license to keep one? I have seen articles from the UK so I know that they are available.

I think they're adorable!

Does anyone have any websites where I might find a bit more information about keeping them as pets?





  2. I don't know about the UK, but I know of a couple of breeders and skunk owners in the US.  Here you need to have a USDA license that allows you to own a domestic species of wildlife.

    I was never a fan of skunks until my friend got a breeder pair.  He uses them for educational presentations through local schools and our 4-H club.  He has several wildlife licenses in place to own them.

    I was the "skunk handler" at our last presentation, and I fell in love with them!  They're very cat-like, actually pretty smart, and are similar to ferrets in their personalities and mannerisms.  The down side is, even though their scent glands are removed, they do have that "skunky" smell and require bathing.

    Try checking out or for a couple of skunk rescue organizations.

    Hope this helps!

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