
I've started a group and sent invites - but people say they're not receiving them?

by  |  earlier

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I've gone to the invite section and listed the email addresses - i've listed them one on top of the other. none of them have received them. do i separate with a comma or do it individually? thanks -




  1. You may not have completed the very last step of the invite process.  After  entering email addresses (one per line) of those you are inviting and after clicking "Submit Invite", another screen comes up and you must scroll down to bottom click on "Invite People".

    You can check to see if your invites actually were sent out.  

    Go to Management.  Underneath Group Activity, click on Membership.  Scroll through the entries and look for your invites.  If you don't find them there, they were not sent out.

    You can try sending one person an invite to see how this works.  If it's ok, then invite a bunch of people all in one invite like you did before.  Just make sure you go through the invite process all the way through the last step of clicking the "Invite People" button..

  2. you enter one adress per row like:

    bla_bla @XXXXX


    no comma's required.

    if you have a closed group, invites is all you can do and they have been glitchy since Feb. some get them, most don't.

    if your group is not closed, send them the link from your browser, they can join that way by clicking the join this group tab in the right top corner

    they also may need to check this setting- possibly why invites are not gotten

    How can I prevent moderators from adding me to their groups or sending me invitations?

  3. details pls

  4. To send the invites out the e-mail addresses needed to be listed one under the other.

    Also, sometimes people don't get the invites because they have set their preference for Yahoo Groups to not allow anyone to send them invites because they don't want to join too many groups because of busy schedules and other reasons.

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