
I've started to twitch lately, what the c**p is wrong?

by Guest59233  |  earlier

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My left shoulder twitches every half hour or so.




  1. turrets.

    might want to go to the doctor

  2. Probably stress, which this is probably making you stress out more.

    If it continues, go to a doctor...

  3. Lack of vitamins

    could be anything. you should

    go to the doctors.

  4. this is how we found out my daughter has epilepsy. her arms and legs would twitch some would knock her off her feet

  5. Stress, lack of sleep, maybe you're taking a certain medication thats giving you the twitches, OH! Last year I started drinking green tea and after like a few days of drinking the stuff my right eye would twitch uncontrollably and it was reeeeallly embarrassing but as soon as I stopped drinking it, it stopped. Crazy. Maybe its something like that? Who knows.  

  6. Could be the early signs of Parkinson's Disease (Michael J. Fox has that, and it's getting worse for him, if you've seen him in public lately...)

  7. Most likely you're not getting enough sleep and/or you're extremely stressed out. When that happens, your body will usually tell you - twitching is a common way for it to do so. If you are sleeping well, it persists for several days or weeks, and nothing is really bothering you, I'd ask a doctor about it.  

  8. Maybe you have turrets

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