
I've taken a mouthswab drug-test, How far back can it trace marijuana(THC) Hours, days, weeks ?? Help!!Ind2knw

by  |  earlier

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I had my second interveiw for a great job and I knew there would be a drug-test so I came prepared with $60.00 worth of synthetic urine ( it's worked for me in the past ) I thought I had it down. I got an employment offer I was so happy! Until to my suprise the drug test was a mouth-swab ( Saliva ) test. The last time I smoked was one toke the day before the test and almost every day the week before I'm waiting on my results this coming week and I just need to know, other websites said that a saliva test can only show THC if you have smoked within the 8 hours previous to the test I'm dying to know if thats true.




  1. girl ive non ppl who do dumb things but not as dumb as wat u did...  u apply to jobs where u no u gotta take drug tests..  an they tell u in the interview ull have to take a drug test... so wat u do??? u keep getting high anyways an even toke the day before u know u gotta take the test...  guess all that pots jus fried up any brane u had left...  either that or u jus dident want the job after all...

  2. Testing your saliva is basically like getting a blood test. THC metabolites only stay in the blood for a week tops I think. And that's if you're a heavy smoker. .The saliva test has a real low detection time for THC-12-24 hours, sometimes slightly longer.


  4. You people don't know anything about pot. People don't do that c**p while working. Why would they, it is for relaxing and chilling! More people die driving drunk than anyone dying from pot. If you want to do something positive outlaw alcohol and make pot legal.

    Gateway drug my rear, alcohol is a gateway drug then.

    Give me a break

  5. hate to be a spoilsport, sport.  but don't think people should help you, advice on how to cheat here.  employer if you like it not has drug tests for a reason -- doesn't want 'stoners'.  [hey I experimented in the 70's but that was a long time ago OK?].  this is like trying to cheat a breathalyzer -- the thing is there to prevent drunk driving.  maybe there's a distinction here -- jobs where exactitude important -- so might include these tests -- & places (clothes shops, you name it) where people don't care.  if you're interested in drug-free areas -- "straighten out & fly right".

  6. sorry i dont have a clue

  7. Could this be why you are looking for a J-O-B? You would rather smoke pot than have a chance at a career?

    Trust me on this, life gets whole lot simpler when you fly right and don't have to hide stuff.

    What the employer is saying is that you can do all the drugs you want. You just can't work for them and do drugs.

  8. From what I've read about the swab test, it can detect usage 1 to 2 days prior to the test. So, there is a chance that your test result might be positive. Best of luck, and lay off the weed.

  9. There are so many drug tests being developed.The ones for THC are really irritating. What good does it do to know Pot was used a month or week or a day ago.If it shows you're high at the time,yes.It may have nothing to do ones ability to do a job.It just ruins a possible responsible employees chance at a job.Suppose we took all this money spent on enforcement and testing. Then spent it on education and treatment..Good luck and lay off the pot.Can pot be used responsibly?Probably yes.Will you get a chance to prove it? Definitely, positively not.

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