
I've tried everything to convince her!!!?

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I really want to get like a guinea pig or a hamster that would stay in my room and not mess up our new house like i could get it a little hamster ball and it could roll around my room but my mom still isn't convinced!!! she's afraid it will mess up the house! PLEASE HELP!! HOW CAN I CONVINCE HER?! she said she MIGHT consider it but how do i convince her completely!!!???




  1. thats a little hard, if you have it in your room, the pet WILL, stink out your room, your better off getting something that can stay outside, like a rabbit or something

  2. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    I'm 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  3. Hamsters and g****a pigs ARE smelly and messy if not properly cared for.

    You should be honest and up front with your mother. Tell her that there will be accidents, but that you will be ready with rubber gloves and disinfectant.

    Perhaps set up a cleaning kit to keep near the cage. I understand her concern and you should respect her wishes for a clean house.

  4. when moms putt it off to talk about it i say just give up ive been convincing my mom to get me a dog 4 5 years uu i still dont have one

  5. how can it mess up the house if its in a ball?

    seriously. ask her that :)

  6. I see. Parents are really hard to convince. Take my advice from someone who knows. I`ve had two hamsters already. You have to take care of them very well. It takes loads of responsibility. You have to clean the cage at least once a week (Which takes forever for me to do), feed it, make sure that the cage is closed, & be sure to take it to the vet everytime his/her nails get sharp for nail clipping. First of all, prove to your mom that you are more responsible than she thinks. Help around the house more, & maybe she`ll consider it. But ask yourself this. Am I ready to take care of an animal all by myself? && if your answer is no, than take your mom`s advice. I hope this helps ;] Good luck.

  7. When my friend wanted a laptop she had to REALLY COMMIT!! Show your mom how bad you want it. My friend made a powerpoint and her mom was so impressed with her hard work she let her get the laptop.

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