I'm going to college, I just lost my part time job last week due to my boss yelling at me. But he is an Iraqi war veteran, so I gave him a pass, and did not want to ruin my credibility in college, since it was a job connect to my college.
I have documented mental problems. But with my medication and therapy, I believe I can hold a part time job, and live partly off student loan money (I know someday I'll have to repay that money). I also get Pell Grants.
My question is, shouldn't I try to be a 30 year old adult, and work for a living and let others more seriously ill than myself go on medicaid and disability? I don't want a hand out, and I can go to NAMI for free. And my psychiatrist isn't the cheapest, but I can afford it. It's a lot better to see him, and get help ful medication, than waste money on alcohol, and ruin my life.
I've notice that while on medication I've been doing better in my studies.
I'm a recent suicide surviver. I had 52 stitches in my wrists, and know not that the body is a Temple, and to respect it. Your comments please?