
I've worn my retainer for five years and now it wont go back in?

by Guest65354  |  earlier

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I had braces when I was 12 and i got my retainer when I was 13. For the past 5 years, i have been wearing the retainer on and off, but all of the sudden today it will not go back in. Im confused. What should I do?




  1. Go to the orthodontist and get another one.

    Probably your wisdom teeth are coming in and have shifted your bite.  You may need teeth pulled to give them room or even surgery to cut the wisdom teeth out so they don't ruin your beautiful smile.

  2. it might have gotten bent call orthodontist

  3. It may be because you haven't worn it for awhile, so your teeth might have shifted a little. If it doesn't fit in your mouth properly, I would go see your orthodontist about it, and they will fix it. Possibly make you a  new one.  

  4. floss b4 u try again. it may help your gums adjust. if it does go in in may hurt so pop some advil cus its impossible to sleep. if that doesnt work, see your orthodontis right away so ur teeth to move farther away.

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