
I've written a thought please read it!?

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Hello! I am in 5th grade and I've written a thought. It is as follows:

A man's heart decides his destination, but the god plans his route.

How's it? Please do comment!

Thank you.




  1. rural

  2. it's a good thought!

  3. That thought says alot about you. It shows you have faith, and it's very philosophical. Especially for a 5th grader. I'm impressed. You've got what it takes to make real change in this world. I have more hope for our future knowing you're out there. Keep up the good work. :)

  4. You are very wise for your age, kudos.

    I think you are perceptive and observant, the two traits that will take you far....

    Keep writing em ;)

  5. Great thought--But does God plan the destination, he has great plans for all of us.Does a man's heart plan the route?

    A good debating question.Keep up the good thoughts.

    You are an inspiration to us older folks.

  6. I'm in the 5th grade.. but i don't get thoughts like that... of course I'm also 39.

  7. Good work! Keep thinking and writing!

  8. Neena, if you are in the 5th grade, I don't think this is quite the right environment for you. Concerning your thought, I think God has a devine plan for our lives, but we have to seek Him with our hearts to learn His will for our lives and reach the destination He intended.

  9. Nice thought but I feel a man decides his destination and based on the destination, he (the man) plans his route. He just prays God to give him strength to reach the destination.

  10. omg your in 5th grade that was amazing !!!

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