
I've written my forth sonnet. what do you think? (I eagerly await your answers)

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Sonnet IV

How can I describe your fine gauderies?

When you’re the mirror on whose silvered glass

Beauty’s face dances with my lustful eyes

That spelled, stare at a head of wired brass

The bright face where a thousand stars do shine

A sumptuous banquet where your joy and mirth

Feed with delight the hungry heart of mine

And with love’s music spin the idle earth

If beauty be the wind, then clouds are love

But you know that the golden heart of skies

Whose throbbing heat, causes the winds to shove

The clouds to bless the blue chest with beauty’s prize

A chainless heart is where true beauty dwells

A mask-less face is where this love excels





  1. A feast of beautiful phrasing..."And with love's music spin the idle earth" is a phrase for the ages.  Lovely consonance of imagery and perfect metrical flow make the concluding couplet particularly strong. Lulleh, this is lovely and a testament to your evolving craft.  Best wishes.

  2. I think you need to spell fourth before you write any more sonnets!

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