
I-911 and Censoring the Internet

by Guest58570  |  earlier

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Law Professor: Counter Terrorism Czar Told Me There Is Going To Be An Internet-9/11 And An Internet-Patriot Act:

Amazing revelations have emerged concerning already existing government plans to overhaul the way the internet functions in order to apply much greater restrictions and control over the web.

Lessig also revealed there is already in existence a cyber equivalent of the Patriot Act waiting for a cyber terrorism event in order to implement its provisions.

Lawrence Lessig, a respected Law Professor from Stanford University told an audience at this years Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Half Moon Bay, California, that “There’s going to be an Internet-9/11 event” which will act as a catalyst for a radical reworking of the law pertaining to the internet.

There’s going to be an Internet-9/11 event. Which doesn’t necessarily mean an Al Qaeda attack, it means an event where the instability or the insecurity of the internet becomes manifest during a malicious event which then inspires the government into a response. You’ve got to remember that after 9/11 the government drew up the Patriot Act within 20 days and it was passed.

The Patriot Act is huge and I remember someone asking a Justice Department official how did they write such a large statute so quickly, and of course the answer was that it has been sitting in the drawers of the Justice Department for the last 20 years waiting for the event where they would pull it out.

Of course, the Patriot Act is filled with all sorts of insanity about changing the way civil rights are protected, or not protected in this instance. So I was having dinner with Richard Clarke and I asked him if there is an equivalent, is there an Internet-Patriot Act just sitting waiting for some substantial event as an excuse to radically change the way the internet works. He said “of course there is”.


Read the rest of the article - watch the video.

What are you going to do about it?

They’re going to censor the internet.

They’re going to take it away.

What are you going to do?

What can we do?




  1. Excellent question. A star for you. Whenever there is an impending doom, there are those who will make plans to combat that eventuality. But that the same time there are those more than willing to press the red button of doom to satisfy their own agendas. What can we do as humans? Evolve socially. Often there is little profit in these destructive cyber-events, other than the "I did that" feeling from the perpetrators.

    Taking away the internet? Doubtful. They could hamper file-sharing and p**n sites. But grandma getting emails with pictures of their grandchildren will still be common.

    Think of it as an arms race. For years you had normal bullets, then you had kevlar vests that defeat normal bullets, then you have hollow-points that penetrate the vests, and so on...

    The fact is we are enjoying an internet golden age. There are few rules because regulation is nearly impossible because the web has no borders. The only way for there to real change is for a global consensus to enact change. Even then there will be an internet "black market" of sorts that requires you to have some kind of device that allows connectivity.

    Congress passes an IPA (internet patriot act) then the people will counter with something to circumvent that. History proves it time and time again.

  2. well i dont have a billion years to read whatever your saying but, 9/11 was planed by the government.  

  3. Go to this site and sign up for freedom. That's what we can do.

    Restore the Republic

  4. What can we do?

    You can start by being more skeptical of claims like this.

    In fact it is obvious that the authors have never bothered to actually read the Patriot Act and see what it says.  

  5. Let's buy this:

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