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boy so so so much i really want to go out with him but i cant because back about 2 months ago i was so mad i had to go to catholic school for freshman year and my friend said to slap it on God i wont go out with anyone at my school and i did but i didnt know he was going to be there hes like so s**y i just want to f**k him lol no i just want him badly and i know he likes me What should i do?




  1. Go with your gut. If you like him what do you have to lose?

  2. Start by telling your friend not to talk to God like that.Because God can ruin your friends life very badly.

    And just walk up to him and talk.

  3. What do you mean "slap it on God?"  Is that like a solemn vow that you can't break or something?  (Sorry if I don't know the slang - I'm old). In any case, I think a change of heart about any promises you might have made is OK.  Pray or talk to God about it if it makes you feel better. He will not punish you for going out with a boy.  But you said you're a freshman - that's way too young to be considering having s*x, especially with a boy you don't even know that well yet.  Get to know him, be friends with him, then date him if it's what you both want and if it's OK with your parents.  But don't go farther than that. Good luck.

  4. Go up to him and talk to him. You can start out friends and get to know each other and if you still think you should stay single or not. Its up to you

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