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  1. You have good reason to have anxiety about leaving a newborn at a daycare center.  I worked at one for six years that took small babies.  Your child will have more colds and illnesses than other children.  Some centers have good employees but most do not.  Babies are often left unattended.  They won't be cleaned up during the day.  Your child will have diaper rash nearly all the time.  It is best to find a blood relative to care for your child.  Anyway good luck and I hope these things do not happen to your child.

  2. I can relate.  I would feel very anxious and uncomfortable with regularly leaving my baby in another's care, especially that of a relative stranger.  Babies belong with their mothers if at all possible.  That's why I have always stayed at home with our children, even with my very first child when my husband's salary was only $20,000 a year (and we did not take WIC or any government money).

    If at all possible, stay at home with your little one.  Many mothers find that their salary after taxes, after daycare costs, after work-related expenses (clothes, transportation, etc), and after extra expenses they wouldn't incur if at home (additional meals eaten out, etc), that they really don't bring home that much extra.  And often you can find additional ways to save money when you are staying at home during the day.

    If at all possible, be at home with your baby.  

  3. I could only leave my babies with close family.  Take a look at different options and write down your finances.  Maybe you could get by on one income?  Be sure to interview the daycare you are looking at and good luck.  Its hard!  My 3 year old is just starting preschool in a few weeks and I'm nervous/excited at the same time as he hasn't ever been with someone he doesn't know before.

  4. i refused to have someone I didn't know and TRUST watch my son.  Noone watched him before he was two and a half years old, besides my husband or I.  we worked opposing shifts, never saw each other, and delt with it untill we put him in preschool at four and that was hard on me.  but once they can talk and tell you what went on it is easier to leave them in a daycare environment because you know that your kid can tell you what is going on if something bad is happening.  I wouldn't do it.  there are always other options.  

  5. Daycare is scary cause you never know what goes on when you're gone.  I recommend you tour the daycare several times so that you're comfortable with it.  Meet the staff and see how they interact with the other children.

    I'm sure you're baby is going to be safe.

  6. My baby was in daycare from nine months.  He is five and he is totally fabulous and smart.  It has not impacted him negatively.

  7. i totally understand. my grandma watches my daughter. we went through a time where we were fighting and not talking and i started looking for daycares. i just started crying thinking of leaving her with a stranger.

    talk to you husband/boyfriend. is there no one in the family that can watch your son? even if each person does it one day a week? my friend had her sister watch one day, her mom 3 and her MIL one day.

    i have a cousin who works nights and his wife works days. they see each other on the weekends only but they are the ones watching their daughter.

  8. It's understandable.  And it would be perfectly reasonable to ask only relatives or friends who you trust to watch your child.  If that's not an option, when the time comes, you can ask potential day care providers as many questions as you need and even ask if you can spend a day or two there watching how things go.  

  9. im so thankful to have both sets of grandparents watch my son while i am at work. i would go nuts if i had to put my son in a regular daycare.

    do you have close family members that could watch your baby when you return to work? try looking into that. or even a church daycare.

    just calm down, freaking and stressing out is not good for you and especially not good for your baby

  10. well you cant go anywhere for six weeks but i had my son in daycare at six weeks i worried but if you have someone you know and trust then i would take that option first but look into the daycare first before you take him or her they should not mind if they have nothing wrong with the facility  

  11. I was the same way. I still am a little. My baby is 5weeks and I only had 4weeks to stay home with her =(. I had a friend of mine watch her who has a 1 year old little girl. Its working out now, and to be honest I go to work at 8 and get off at 1:45 so its kinda nice to have me time. Also if I have to work late and her daddy pick her up I really think that its good for just the two of them to have there time. I call a few times a day to check on her, and I never feel like I spend enough time with her, but Then I think she asleep alot right now.

  12. I was that way when my first son was born, when I went back to work, my husband took him to the sitters for me (it was by his work and easier for him to get to our son than me). The first two weeks I went back, I only worked half days because I missed him so much but it got a lot easier by the end of the second week.

    On that first day back, I got home early and my husband and son were no where to be found. (no cells phones at that time). I was pacing up and down and around the house and they didn't come in until almost 8 pm. He had taken our son with him while he was at a lodge meeting and the ladies there were ooowww and ahhhing over him. I just abour rang his neck for putting me through that when he knew I was only working a 1/2 day. He never did it again.

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