
I Am Doing A project About Animal Testing (That it is Wrong) Can Someone Help Me Please?

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Hi My Name Is Samantha

I am doing a project about animal testing and I need some help my opinion is that it is wrong can someone please help me like tell me

kind of tests


companies that do and do not test

and any topic I am missing

I would appreciate the help thank you




  1. believe that testing on animals for thing such as cosmetics is wrong. I believe that if it's medical research that benefits the greater good, then it is O.K.

    The thing about animal rights groups like PETA and the HSUS is that they are not what they claim to be. They believe in total animal liberation which means that they think that there should be no circuses, zoos (even AZA), laboratories (even medical), farms, service dogs, police dogs, and PETS of any kind. They believe that animals are better off DEAD then living with even the best pet owner.

    The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) collected millions of dollars from individuals to save the animals during Katrina. They did not use the money to do that though. They are currently under investigation for it. What most people do not realize about HSUS is that they are not your local animal shelter. None of the money that they raise goes to the local animal shelter.

    Any ways, back to my point. There has been some good that comes from animal testing. I do believe that there should be better animal welfare (bigger/nicer enclosure, etc.), but stopping medical research all together would stop us as humans from advancing in the medical field.

    Virtually every major medical advance in the past century has depended upon studies involving laboratory animals. These advances include:

    * vaccines for the prevention of measles, mumps, polio, and hepatitis.

    * prevention and treatment of cancer.

    * antibiotics to treat infectious diseases.

    * organ transplants.

    * heart and vascular surgery.

    * medications for high blood pressure, arthritis, and mental illness.

    Furthermore, animal care and health continue to advance as a result of biomedical research. Experiments with animals led to discoveries that prevent and treat diseases among pet, farm, laboratory, and wild animals. Some examples include:

    * vaccines against distemper, rabies, feline leukemia virus, and parvovirus.

    * treatments for cancer.

    * new techniques for traumas and surgery.

    * antibiotics to treat infections.

    * prevention and treatment for dog heartworm.


    Vaccine Development-

    * Diptheria

    * Hepatitis

    * Lyme Disease

    * Measles

    * Polio

    * Rabies

    * Rubella

    * Tetanus

    * Whooping Cough


    * AIDS

    * Allergies

    * Alzheimer's Disease

    * Birth Defects

    * Blindness

    * Burns

    * Cancer

    * Diarrhea in Infants

    * Diabetes

    * Emphysema

    * Epilepsy

    * Glaucoma

    * Heart Disease

    * Huntingdon's Disease

    * Multiple Sclerosis

    * Muscular Dystrophy

    * New Drug Development

    * Nutrition

    * Open Heart Surgery

    * Parkinson's Disease

    * Spinal Cord Injury

    * Tooth and Gum Disease


    * Allergies

    * Anesthesia

    * Antibiotics

    * Artificial Joint Replacement

    * Birth Defects

    * Cancer

    * Childhood Poisonings

    * Diabetes

    * Emphysema

    * High Blood Pressure

    * Kidney Disease

    * Malaria

    * Organ Transplants

    * Stroke


    Vaccine Development-

    * Anthrax

    * Blue Tongue in Sheep

    * Brucelossis in Cattle

    * Distemper in Dogs and Cats

    * Equine Encephalitis

    * Equine Rhino Virus

    * Equine Influenza

    * Feline Leukemia

    * Hog Cholera

    * Infectious Hepatitis in Dogs

    * Lyme Disease

    * Newcastle Disease in Poultry

    * Parvo Virus in Dogs

    * Pneumonia Complex in Cats

    * Potomac Horse Fever

    * Rabies

    * Tetanus


    * Allergies

    * Artificial Insemination

    * Improved Pain Killers

    * Embryo Transfer Techniques

    * Inherited Diseases

    * Pet Food Nutrition

    * Tooth and Gum Disease


    * Antibiotics

    * Artificial Joints for Dogs

    * Blood Transfusions

    * Cataracts

    * Glaucoma

    * Kidney Transplants

    * Lameness in Horses

    * Pet Cancer

    * Orthopedic Surgery

    * Vitamin Deficiency Diseases

    * Parasites

    o Giardiasis

    o Heartworm

    o Hookworm

    o External Parasites

    o Leptospirosis

  2. Can you do a two-sided answer? if not, here is some answers to your question

    first of all, most are kept in cramped cages, no food or water, left to die (some deformed), no pain relief, they feel huge pain and suffering.

    Also why do we keep spraying rabbits with hairspray if we know what it does?

    Why do we keep making primates smoke when we already know the harm they cause?

    Also, an animal's body is not exactly the same to ours, so we may be causing suffering with no precise and accurate results compared to the human body.

  3. You may want to rethink your opinion.  Without animal testing countless lives would have been lost.  Nearly every medicine is tested for safety on animals.  WOuld it be better to give a human an untested drug?

    Let's say you were diagnosed with cancer.  There was no proven medical care for the cancer you were diagnosed with.  The doctor says a clinical trial of a promising medicine may cure you.  Are you going to reject it because it was tested on animals first?  Or- if they didn't test on an animal first are you sure you would want it in your body?

  4. yes it is !

  5. Testing what may be an important question.

    If we are developing a new cosmetic line using only components that have been prov en safe, we might feel safe to test it directly on human animals, perhaps first with minimum amounts, and then up to an accidental overuse. We can hope that our test subjects will let us know if something seems to be going wrong.

    We should start with company insiders, go on to eager volunteers, but avoid paying to induce people to do things that might not be good for them.

    When it comes to testing a medication, part of the test is always to overdose to the point of harm, mostly to establish where that point of harm is to be expected. I could not believe that we would use a human subject for that.

    Some medications will change internal body chemistry in ways that would be harmful to anyone but a victim of the illness being treated.

    So a healthy person should avoid taking it. Yet we do insist knowing what effects might happen.

    We are learning that when a cancer victim is deprived of insulin, the cancer shrinks and may die. But, big but, we need to know how far we dare push that deprivation. Now I have been a human guinea pig to test this hypothesis. I did not take the deprivation as far as it has been taken by a previous subject. So I am wondering if my cancer will rebound. We do not have a lot of animal testing to show the results of going part way.

  6. Samantha, I think if you are into a project, at school or work, that you think is wrong then you need to get out and into something else that you are happy doing. My opinion, or anybody else's is not going to help you with your conscience. Get into something that you enjoy doing.

  7. Samantha,

    I just wanted to say, if you TRUELY believe that animal testing is bad, then please never ever, for the entire rest of your life, partake of a single medical thing.

    Not even something as simple as a cast, or a vitamin.  They were all tested on animals.

    If you use medical services in any way shape or form, that will make you a hypocrit.  So, no medical services, not even over the counter medications, like Peto Bismol.  Not for child birth, heart conditions, diabetis, a sprained ankle, the common cold....not a single thing.  If you feel that is unresonable, then you might wish to re-think your stance that animal testing is accross the board bad and evil.

    Just to let you know, products that say they were not tested on animals, that is true...the finished product was NOT tested on animals.  However all the individual ingrediants WERE tested on animals.  So again, if you feel deeply that animal testing is bad, then stop using shampoo, toothpaste, cosmetics, deoderant, ect.

    I agree that some animal testing is completely un-needed.  We no longer need to put bleach in the eyes of rabbits....we've known for 80 years or more that the stuff burns.  Animal testing like that is completely un-needed, and should be done away with.  However saying all animal testing should be done away with....nope, I cannot agree with that.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  8. I think you should do some serious research before you form an opinion. If you did you would be on the opposite side of that issue. The animal-testing laws were a reform that came in after cosmetic makers were releasing untested products that caused blindness. THe obvious solution was to test those products on animals and never sell ones that were dangerous to people.

    Drug development would come to a halt if animal testing was banned. The only ones who tested drugs first on people instead of animals were the n***s in World War II.

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