
I Am Having A Scavenger Hunt Downtown, What Items should We Have To Find?

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I Am Having A Scavenger Hunt Downtown, What Items should We Have To Find?




  1. A – ant, acorn

    B – butterfly, bird, bee

    C – caterpillar, clover

    D – driveway, dog

    E – evergreen tree

    F – flowers, foliage

    G – grass, geraniums

    H – hammock, hose

    I – insects (too many of those!)

    J – jump rope, junk

    K – kite, kickball

    L – leaves, lawn chair

    M – mailbox, mulch

    N – noises (I know, I didn’t see these, but they were there!)

    O – oak tree

    P – patio, pool (No, we don’t have a pool, but our neighbors do!)

    Q – quality time with my kid! (Okay, I couldn’t find a Q object.)

    R – robin, rotting wood

    S – sprinkler, swing set

    T – tent, trees

    U – unusual shaped leaf (You have to be creative!)

    V – vine, vinyl siding

    W – wood

    Y – Y-shaped twig

    Z – I got nothin’ but you may have zinnias!

    So here’s my list of things to find in a scavenger hunt. Look around your yard and see what would be on your scavenger hunt list! If you’re looking for a list of things to find inside, here’s an indoor scavenger hunt game.

  2. 3 different free newspapers

  3. Dirty diaper.

    Four leaf Clover.

    Expired Credit Card.

    Burnt out Light Bulb.

    Someone else’s name tag.

    1972 Penny.  

  4. Drunken Bum

    Shopping Cart

    Crack Needle


    Dead Cat

  5. From restraunts-

    1. sporks

    2. menues

    and its also fun for them to have to find random things such as


    3.1/2 cup flour

    4.take a pic of road kill

    stuff like that

    Hope i helped!!!

  6. you have to find a homeless person that will take a picture with you for proof of finding him

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