
=( I Am Really Sad =(?

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I really dnt wana go 2 skool 2morro

I am realli gona miss havin my mum

Round fightin wid my sis lol

I badly dnt wana go 2 skool

Wat can i do ??

I hate goin skool =[

Plz help me =(




  1. We all do hate school, babe! Just relax, and don't take it very seriously. It's all just c**p!

  2. We all have to go and its not that bad. I mean besides work and homework you get to see your friends and meet new people.

    Besides I think your question would be easier to read if it had proper grammar which I think your school should teach better.

  3. Well with that kind of grammar, you'll be flunking out and landing a dead-end job in no time.

  4. im sad because my family is always tryn to find out if im g*y or a serial problem just because i hardly have friends and rarely girlfriends and when ido i dont even let them know cus i never last more than 2 weeks with them i wish i was able to talk to not them to me i wish i was normal oh and hardly talk to my  family thats some good reason to b sad

  5. Its life just take it and enjoy it with no regrets honey.

  6. Just go -

    your not there all daay :)

    just 1/4


    3/4 at home with your mum :P


    get sick tonight :D

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