
I Am Very Nervous About Opening Night For My Play Tomorrow. What Should I Do?

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I Am Very Nervous About Opening Night For My Play Tomorrow. What Should I Do?




  1. try to get some sleep, do some breathing exercises or meditation, and don't worry because you will do great!

  2. Say a little prayer and trust in your abilities.  GOOD LUCK!

  3. well first off...CONGRATS!  you made it through rehearsal..the long endless days/nights...the memorization, the director always on your ****..

    Here's the best ideas i can give you.

    (day before)

    #1 TAKE A BREAK.  Get in a hot bath and soak yourself silly

    #2 Take an idle look at your script.  Just briefly flip through it.  Maybe look at a few problem areas.

    #3 treat yourself out to a great dinner!  Nothing exotic.  Just your favorite restaurant.

    #4 Watch your favorite movie

    (day of)

    #1 Make sure to tell all your cast members and techies to break a leg!

    #2Briefly go over your script again

    #3 Get some hot tea for your vocal chords

    (when you get to the theater)

    #1 Check your props

    #2 Walk the stage (Before open house)

    #3 Make sure, if you have any costume changes, have your costumes ready

    #4 give yourself ample time for makeup

    #5 vocal warmups

    #6 breathe!

    #7 HAVE FUN!


  4. Go to sleep! You should get a good night's sleep, and eat well tomorrow.

    Don't drink too much caffeine, it'll make you jittery and more nervous.

    Do some breathing exercises...

    Seriously, I'm sure you'll do great! Opening night is just like the rehearsals... except you get to share what you've been working on with other people so it's way better!

  5. Just make sure you have your lines down. Listen to some good music, don't let yourself get stressed out, and when you do perform you'll feel like you're watching from the audience. It just takes care of itself.

  6. i'm not sure if you've done any yoga or alexander technique, but you need to calm your brain down. your brain is clicking away with all your potential fears. that is causing your adrenaline to pump. that is causing your blood pressure to rise. this is causing you to FREAK OUT!!! i'd love to tell you that there is very specific technique that's going to make it all go away...but there's not. there is no way to get rid of nerves. none. you can destract yourself from them and you can use them to your advantage. the only way i have sucessfully gotten rid of nerves was to get very drunk and pass out...which i am not recommending for your performance. what i'm saying is, you have to learn to work WITH your nerves. don't let THEM run  YOU. learn some breathing exercises which allow you to set the pattern and control your breathe which will not only get the much needed oxygen to your brain (for some reason when people get nervous they stop breathing!) which will help you to think clearer (hello remembering lines) but will focus you to the more important matter...getting thru your first performance. i've been acting professionally since '99 and i still get nervous. i simply have adapted to the inevitability of it all and learned how now to make myself worse off. read up on alexander over your more character work...listening to music...there are so many ways! but it's very subjective and you have to find what works for you.

  7. Chill out and just wait and see what happens. The die is cast and nothing but time will tell. Good luck and even if it don't do as well as you hoped, it;s all part of learning the trade, just keep plugging away at it.

  8. Remember the fourth wall.

  9. deep breath, relax.

  10. Good luck! deep breathes and spirt and rehearse well1

    Wow! Good luck @ the play!

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