
I Am going for An interview For a us holiday visa?

by  |  earlier

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My concern is that i overstayed a long time ago,if they ask did i work will be honest and say i did and if so could this have any bearing on the outcome of my application.any help appreciated




  1. Yes . This could have a serious effect on your application.I am sorry to say . You may be pretty well screwed.

  2. It could depends on the Consular Officer. Also, it depends how long you overstayed and how long ago it happened.

    But the main thing is make sure that you have enough proofs of strong ties to your country and showing that you would definitely coming back to your country. Also, always be honest at the interview with the officer. Officers already have your record on the computer system and lots of times they ask to check if you are being honest or not.

    Wish you the best!

  3. You need to be honest. Lying to consular officers could be worse. Good luck.

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