
I Ask questions but never belive the awnser i get..?

by  |  earlier

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Hm.. i have a problem with myself.. I ask too many questions And then when i get a awnser back from the person.. I Never belive it.. i always want to belive what i think... but then what i think is normaly the bad awnser that makes me feel bad.. So i deny that awnser too... Basikly i just hate it when they awnser the question but i expect it to be the bad awnser and i dnt accept there awnser until they give me the bad awnser.. I Need help, Mm any1 know how i can sort this out?

Also.. sorry to sound like a total *** hole, but can i just have awnsers please.. i dont like it when people start taking the p**s out of me for acting like a mental person.




  1. I would answer but it would be useless.

  2. I know exactly what you mean my friend, so you are not alone at all in this.

    Infact, most people use yahoo! answers to ask a quesiton followed by 'a novel' under the 'details section'.  I do this often too,  I think we are trying to reach out DESPERATELY for like minded people, or at least we are trying to seek out a few who are on our wavelength.

    I think there is an art to asking a question and getting perhaps, a 50-50 opinionated answer,  like suppose you posted 'are abortions ethical and moral ?'

    and then in details you add 'i dunno, im just wondering what you people think'

    and thats ALL you add,  then you haven't blurted out YOUR opinion on this.   In a way,  this is more of a debate question - because it doesn't have a CERTAIN answer which is universaly accepted.

    For instance,  a question like 'Should Peadophiles be given lighter sentences and 2nd chances?' is a provocative one and 99.999% of the answers would be 'h**l no'.

    do you see where im coming from ?

    Don't go nuts under the 'details' section, don't speak volumes about what YOU Think , simply ask your question - add a teeny bit in details and sit back.  Let the games begin.  You're asking the question, youre in charge - the power is yours, not theirs - so enjoy the drama that ensues when ppl end up arguing or disagreeing with each other.

  3. Try not asking, just take in what people say then draw your own conclusions.

    Truthfully?  No-one really likes to accept what someone else tells them - we only really seek "advice" when we are pretty sure we know the answer!

  4. I am not sure what kind of questions you are asking but it seems to me that you are maybe questioning everything too much and taking life a bit too seriously.  There may not be one right answer to your questions and maybe you are holding yourself back for fear of not doing the right thing.  We all get it wrong at times but we learn from our mistakes and try to do the best we can.  Life is too short. Enjoy your life treat everything as an experience that should not be wasted

  5. Take a break from the site for a few days.

  6. If you are not prepared to believe answers, don't ask.

  7. You have trust issues.  You need to take what that person says to heart and believe them.  And if they do something that isn't trustworthy, then you can start to worry.

  8. If someone is right, their answer will be borne out in reality or will at worst 'fit the evidence' to a level of accuracy that will hopefully make the answer of use to you.

    Answers you can't test won't affect your life one way or the other so put them out of your mind unless you enjoy letting the possibilities go round and round inside your head

  9. Just stop asking questions.

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