
I Bought expired milk yesterday?

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I went to go buy milk yesterday from the corner store. I always look at the expiry date first. I thought it said August 30th because I was reading it upside down but in reality it said August 3rd.

What can I do to complain? The milk is 17 days past its expiry date and it was never taken out of the fridge.

Do you think I can get a refund and also get another jug for free?




  1. Some stores require you to have a receipt upon return of a product, If you have your receipt still, then by all means take it with you. If there's out dated milk on the shelf, chances are there is still some there. When you get to the store, ask for the manager or the person in charge of dairy if it's a big grocery store. Don't get mad or pissed off at them. This will only cause you more trouble and make for a worse day than you already have.

  2. Take it back and demand a refund, if they don't give you a refund report them to Trading Standards.

  3. Just take it back and then after you get a refund look in that fridge and if you find some more, tell the manager that he should clean that out and that he should be more mindful of the products he is selling in your community.  Sometimes corner store owners get this attitude that they can do anything, but the milk people should have taken this stuff back already, maybe he didn't pay his milk bills or something.

  4. YES! Milk is so expensive! I would be pissed if i was you!

    Return it even if you dont have the recipet TRY to do it anyway

    Got o customer service and let them smell it and make a big stink about it siting on the shelf for so long past the exp date!

    If they give you hard time just pour the milk on their heads!!

  5. yes take it back and theyll exchange you.  im sure youre not the first to return it

  6. You can exchange it but you can't have a refund and a free one also.

  7. with the price of milk i would demand a refund plus a free way would i pay for that and next time don't buy from that store....GROSSSSSS

  8. yes and if they play up threaten to report them because it is illegal to sell out of date food

  9. you need to take it back and get yourself a refund take the receipt, and the money back. if they don't. report them .they pay a fine for the spoiled milk, and you get the refund & profit of the fine  

  10. yes as long as u keep the receipt  

  11. If you have a receipt you'll probably get a refund.  If you're a frequent customer of theirs they should honor the refund or give you a new carton or at least a credit.

  12. depends on if its a good store, or a crappy mart, some of those mom and pop shops that are ran by turds, will try and tell you that its not the milk they sold you, but even better then getting a new gallon of milk from a store who doesnt rotate stock, file a complaint with a local health office, regarding theyre lack of responsibility, and go to your local chain store and buy from them, and take your business elsewhere

  13. yes. as long as you have the reciept.

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