
I Built this yu-gi-oh deck out of cards i got from a few packs rate-it please?

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i through this together pretty quick out of all Dinosaurs, Dragons so it might not be to good. :(


1 Sabersaurus

1 Black Stego

1 Miracle Jurrasic Egg

2 Black Ptera

2 Uraby

1 Baby Dragon

1 Time Wizard

1 Magna Slash Dragon

1 Gravi-Crush Dragon

1 Element Dragon

1 Rare Metal Dragon

1 Red Eyes Black Dragon

3 Blue Eyes White Dragon

2 Armed Dragon LV3

1 Summoned Skull

Fusion Monsters

1 Thousand Year Old Dragon

1 Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

1 Black Skull Dragon


2 Polymerazation

2 Dian Keto The Cure Master

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 De-Spell

1 Premature Burial

1 Mask Of Brutality

1 Axe Of Despair

1 D.D.R


1 Bottomless Traphole

1 Traphole

1 By Order Of The Empourer

2 Shadow Spell

2 Karma Cut

1 Light Imprisoning Mirror

2 Monster Reborn

1 Call Of The Haunted

1 Torrential Tribute




  1. its really good although you could use a little  magic/trap cards that could boost your life points or certain monsters with that effect like the trap solemn wishes and could use a magic Jamar and a relies trap

  2. Dragons and Dino's are pretty weak, i wouldent even bother =/.

  3. You're right. it is out of Dinos and dragons so it isn't too good. However, there are some hi-lv dinos that work well with dragons. Super Conductor Tyranno for example. If you can use Ancient Rules to combine it with a Blue Eyes, you've got yourself a whopping 6000 ATK plus an extra 1000 Damage with SCT's effect. That gives you a grand total of 7000 Damage and should win you the game. For spells, you should add a Dian Keto the Cure Master or two for healing. I also suggest having a Dragon Mirror(or something similar I forgot the name) to help summon Ultimate Dragon better. For traps, you should also add some attack negating cards like Negate Attack, Draining Shield, Sakuretsu Armor and Mirror Force(these are my favorites as the tend to get on your opponents nerves and Sakuretsu is good for taking out other Blue Eyes though I wish I had a Mirror Force myself). Light Imprisoning Mirror is kinda useless cuz if your opponent runs an attribute deck and not one of them is Light, they're just dead weight or you could keep them and chain them with Emergency Provisions or Tribute to the Doomed. I'd take out Mask Of Brutality for a few extra Axes of Despair. You don't have to listen to me, but here's a piece of advice: trust in the heart of the cards(just kidding) and listen to your mother!

  4. hey,i'm back.its not the best deck,but pretty good for a deck that you just through of haunted,forbidden.your only allowed one monster reborn,take one might want to get a fusion gate, just in case you can't get to the polymerization.and a bit too many tribute monsters, try getting rid of magna slash dragon.

       hope I helped out again.

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  5. It's all right but take out the uraby's and then you should get rid of your fusion deck/ polymerization's because Fusion's are waaay too conditional unless your whole deck is based on it. It is way to hard to gather the cards you need for a couple of fusion combinations. Plus I hope you are playing advanced format cuz if not you have got some banned cards

  6. Take out the Uraby's and add Armed Dragon LV 5 and 7. Take out a Dian Keto and add Fusion Gate. Take out Call of The Haunted and the a Monster reborn. Add Sakuretsu Armor and Lightning Vortex.

    After this you should be alright, but your deck lacks alot of key things so make a Side Deck that can counter your opponents deck.

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