
I Burnt My Hand And Now...???

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I was using my curling iron yesterday and burnt a little part of my hand. It was small, but in a few minutes it expanded. Not too much, but it enough where it's noticeable. I put cold water on it. Then about 20 minutes later there were these little bubbles on it (made from my skin!) They popped and in that spot it was all white. Like you know the layer right before the blood. It's kind of pinkish. Yeah, water kept building up and I would have to go to the bathroom to wash it up every few minutes. It's the next morning, and the pinkish part is still there, but it's not putting out any water, but there's still a lot of burnt part around it. What do I do? Thanks

I start school tomorrow!




  1. You've suffered  a bad case of burning. the usual 1ST aid for burns is to cool the area with ice or cool water and when the stinging subsides to apply an ointment meant for burns which keeps the wound clean and free of germs. If the burnt area is large or is like a little well, see a doctor for assessment and he would advice you further.  

  2. You're going to have to wait it out.  You can try either Ora-Jel or Preparation H (yeah, I know that they are for teeth or "bum" pain).  They both have high levels of numbing agents in them and it'll take some of the burning/tingling away.

    Good Luck!

  3. The fluid-filled bubbles are called blisters. Just so you'll know for next time, it's a good idea not to break them, as they help protect the burnt area until it heals. Never mind....all is not lost. I'd suggest putting some antiseptic cream on the burn and covering it with a non-stick dressing. That will protect it while it heals. Change the dressing every day or two, and be aware that it may become infected. If it does, let your parents know. It probably won't though, especially if you put antiseptic cream on it.

    Good luck.

  4. i know ths sounds weird but when i was little my mom put toothpaste on my hand when i burnt it and it took the pain away but not allof it  

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