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So I'm trying to get really fit...I'm not fat, I'm just not ridiculously tone and I want to be. My problem is I feel like I think about food/sweets ALL the time. Then, I end up just eating soo much junk that's bad for me and when I go to workout I feel all plubery and gross and I usually just stop working out. I feel like I'm kind of on a yo-yo diet too, because sometimes I'll randomely get will power and I will workout every day and eat well...but I can't keep that up....the second my parents bring sugar into the house I eat it and then I crave sugar for weeks.... PLEASE HELP!! How can I get motivation and will power and such, anything that will help is appreciated!

Thank you ya'll!!




  1. I had the same problem for a while, but I managed to correct it.

    Here's a few things you can do to help get yourself on track that I did:

    - Find a picture of someone with the body you want. From a magazine, newspaper, book, whatever mind you. Cut it out and put it on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror to remind yourself that you want to look that way. Just a place where you will see it daily.

    - Start to create a food journal. I did that and boy, when you read what you eat and how many calories it includes, you really begin to watch what you put in your mouth. I lost four pounds just doing that! So whenever you eat something, every day, write it down and record the number of calories and grams of fat/sugar inside it. Once you see all the fats you're putting into your body, it grosses you out enough to want to change it.

    - Every time you go to turn on the television, do little work outs while watching. Do sit ups, push ups, leg lifts, lunges, lift weights, wall sits, etc. You can still focus on the TV while not just sitting there and letting your body absorb everything.

    - Whenever you are craving junk food, pick out a new food instead. I have gotten my parents to by a lot of fuit lately or very low fat/calorie snacks. Fruit like grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and such are just sweet enough to take away your craving for sugar. If you are a big soda pop addict, do what I did and switch over to Vitamin Water or Propel. They have fewer sugars and keep you energized, plus they taste just as good. Or Jones Soda is a kind of soda that is made from sugar cane, and it has fewer calories than regular kind. Diet Rite is a good choice, too. But remember that the carbonation in those beverages will keep the muscle on your body flabby.

    - Go for a quick jog before you eat breakfast every morning. Your body is more likely to burn weight and tone up when you're just waking up, it has been proven. Do a five to ten minute jog around your neighborhood and then reward yourself with a healthy breakfast when you return. Not only will you feel energized to start your day, but you will have done a good portion of excercize already!

    It may sound like a lot of work, but I am being perfectly honest with you. I started all of it this summer and I look better than ever. I have a more toned body, I've lost weight, and I'm much more physically fit. Tell yourself not to give up, and refer back to that picture for support.

    Good luck!

  2. - Cut out pictures of your favorite actresses/models for inspiriation

    - find something else to do: clean, study, knit, scrapbook, work more hours, work out

    - think of how you will be affected by what you eat

    - I look at it this way: I have many more years to live, there will always be food around!

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