

by  |  earlier

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  1. Trust yourself, the best medicine.

  2. Watever reason it may be for not trusting, but dnt let it affect ur studies .

    Jst study with concentration and for time being 4get abt all things .

  3. your parents.they will never betray you.get some meditation course like tai chi or yoga.

  4. Talk to your mother. She will help you out.

  5. If you donot even trust your PARENTS

    How could you trust this FORUM

    An answer from this FORUM

    FIRST and foremost TRUST in yourselves

    Then everything will be all right

    For that MEDIATATION and Prayers could help you LOT

    ALL the BEST

  6. then dont trust yahoo answers too if u cant trust ur parents

  7. Sounds like you are really p.oed at the world aren't going to get studying done, even if you fold up your books, grab  a pillow, close the blinds....turn off the tv and the radio and go to bed...Get a good days rest...and then later on tonite...which will by tomorrow morning...get up early after a good nite's rest and hit your books.  Its the best chance you have at retaining anything...after you have rested and have a mind that can take something in besides pain/hurt.  Good luck Vish, I don't know what happened that yanked your cord today...but people don't just lie and lose others' trust cuz that don't have anything better to do......well,......most of 'em dont.....

  8. r u crazy ............

  9. is very hard to trust some one in this world and no body honest for other in this world but what can we do we have to trust some one in life to live so many people cheat me in life  

  10. hello

  11. dont worry im in the same boat,

    u feel like you cant tell anyone anything and you dnt know who to trust,

    but what ive learnt is that you have to keep ur head up and study so that u can prove everyone wrong,

    i would give my prayers to u and hope you find good luck inyou future.

    i have the same probz with my family if u need to tlk im free

    my msn is:

    my name is haneen but my nik is hen0

    nice to meet you



  12. why?????????

    r u mad .

    every parents help child in any situation & support him/her to  encourage .

  13. I think u r little bit confused in ur life.

    I think some major factor touch u at ur heart. some one break ur heart.But dont worry life is not end yet. You have to fight. Fight against ur thinking. U have to try being happy.

    rememeber one thing that if you face a big problem at that time ur father stand by u. When u r sad just see ur mother eyes she know our soul. Try to be friendly with ur parents may be thay can be ur friend.

    Parent is like GOD...


  14. That's the result of  the s*x symbol society of the west.s*x in the devine scheme is simply meant for producing descendants,not for enjoyment or making money.Read 'Bhaja Govindam'by Sankaracharya and consult a Homeopath

  15. Well dear , to begin with try to analyse why is this feeling of insecurity  coming to your mind .

    Only then can you think of your future course of action .

    As for your studies , please note that its the ONLY mean to enable you to be economically as well as personally free from any such problems , so take studies as a solution to you problem.

  16. do meditation !!!!!!!!

  17. Just don't say that.Parents are the only ones who cares for you the most!!!

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