
I COMPLETELY don't understand my Human Origins homework..?

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Can anyone help me with this question? I don't understand.

"Write a detailed taxonomy of this primate from the Order level to the species level. IMPORTANT: include the appropriate sub-, infra- and super- taxonomic subdivisions we discussed in class."

It's on the red-faced spider monkey. Good thing I am not going into Anthropology as a major or I would be LOST.




  1. Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Primates

    Family: Atelidae

    Genus: Ateles

    Species: A. paniscus

  2. Taxonomy, that's its classification: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species is the biological classification system.

    You're being asked to give the classifications from order on down.

    I wasn't in your class, and so don't know the sub- et al. stuff referred to. Did you take notes on that in class?

    This is biology stuff, not anthropology stuff, BTW.

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