
I Can't Get My Rabbits To Breed ?

by  |  earlier

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I have a girl rabbit and a boy but the wont breed ! I tried but she keeps biting him !




  1. Yes, get them both spayed

  2. If they are in the same cage and he is always chasing her like that she will get really stressed out so you should probably separate them....if they are in different cages make sure you bring HER to HIS cage. Otherwise she will be very territorial and he will be more interested in his new surroundings.

    This happened with my rabbits the first time too. But eventually he got her ;) Once it was all over she was fine, and he was happy. Even though he got bitten!

  3. The doe will bite the buck dont worry it does take time how old are your rabbitts they may be to young to breed.Just leave them alone for an hour and see the doe will be pregnant for about 30 days hope this has helped xx

  4. First question is why do you want them to breed?

    We run a rescue centre which takes in hundreds of unwanted rabbits every year.

    If you are going to breed then make sure you act responsibly, and arrange homes for them well in advance.

    Dont know about getting her 'sprayed' but I would suggest getting her 'Spayed'. This means happy contented pair of bunnies and an extended life span for her, because she will not fall victim to Ovarian cancer which kills a large number of female rabbits.

    With rabbits the female is the dominant one. If you are going to introduce them properly then there are two options.

    One - Introduce her in to his hutch. This way she is 'visiting' his territory, where he is the dominant male.

    Two - If you have two hutches or runs then spend a few days swapping them in to each others hutches, thereby mingling their scents, so neither is dominant.

    Please, please consider carefuly why you want thwem to breed!!

  5. Why do want to do that!!!! Rabitts have thousands of babies and are you a breeder???? never try by your self and if ther're not fixed they ARE gonna get aggresive and will have a LOT of kids

  6. hello there

    first off,let me give you a tiny little bit of a secret:DO NOT MENTION HERE ON YAHOO ANSWERS THAT YOU ARE BREEDING RABBITS!you should realize by now that many people would bombard you with answers about not breeding rabbits.personally,i am neither advertising rabbit breeding nor do i encourage's the owner's choice.

    second,maybe you've got the process all have to place the female on the male's cage.rabbit breeding is not as simple as 1 2 have to do the process.make sure they are in great shape.they must have complete nutrition in time for breeding.give them alfalfa hay to fatten them up to prepare them for breeding.feed them all greens and fruits you can get.if she bites back the male during breeding,it means she is not yet ready or she is already pregnant.either of the two,

    if you want to breed,do not spay it.spaying means removing the sexual arousal of rabbits on breeding.meaning they will not breed when spayed.

    best wishes.don't ask this question again unless you want people attacking you about breeding.good luck!

  7. If you keep them in hutches its easier to move the doe to the bucks cage. Does can often becomes really aggressive in their own hutches and they'll really get after the males. If you're having trouble getting the buck to mount her you can move him so he's positioned correctly - most bucks are really eager to do their job.

  8. This is the same thing with me.They wouldnt breed but you need to seperate them in diffrent cages.And then bring her to his cage.And then they will get bred

  9. if the girl dont want 2 she wont belive me

    the boy will try and avrage of 2 - 3 times a DAY lolz

    give it time =) good luck :)

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