
I Caught My Girlfriend With Another Girl, What Do I Do?

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A couple of nights ago my girlfriend and I helped a very drunk friend of ours home to my girlfriends house as we didnt want her going home alone... I was kind of annoyed as the drunk girl was to put it nicely not co-operating with me when I was trying to help her out, so I left my girlfriend that had also had a lot to drink (but not as much as the girl that needed help) to put her to bed I said to her before I left the room when shes asleep come into bed with me.

I lay in bed waiting a good 20 minutes, then I heard banging noises as the other room was right next to the one I was in,

I got up and went to investigate when I opened the door... well you can guess what was happening.

Alot of guys fantasize about this kind of thing as I have but when you see it its a whole different thing... I left the house and immediately called the 5 year relationship of... It felt like I had been cheated on.

I don't know weather what she did was wrong or not?




  1. whether it was the same s*x or no its still cheating they are kissing ANOTHER person they are ******* ANOTHER person. If its not you who they are kissing or whatever, its cheating.

  2. See about making a threesome?

  3. Well if my bf got it on with another guy, I'd dump him straight away. Alcohol is NO excuse, she did it because she wanted to, sorry to say that but it's true.

    It doesn't make a difference if it was a man or a woman, they betrayed you, and they'll never be able to take that back.

    If you can forgive her, that's up to you. But my policy is "once a cheater.."

    Sorry it sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest

  4. It was wrong.  She cheated on you.  It IS over and should stay that way.

  5. I think it is safe presume from your question that the two of you had a monogamous relationship, so what your girlfriend did was definitely wrong within those parameters.  She should be duly apologetic for what happened and you deserve to feel the way that you do.

    However, I would take into consideration her state of mind before I end a 5 year relationship.  As most people can confirm, you are prone to do things when you are drunk that you would not do sober as your inhibitions are lowered.  Bear this in mind.  Is this truly a case of premeditated cheating, or a regrettable drunken lapse of judgment?  If it was something she was already wanting to do, then it is very likely she would do it again.  If it was an inebriated mistake, then she is likely to learn from it.

    Honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you decided to just end it and be done, but there is just enough room for doubt for me to at least talk it over and see her side of the story.  If you still feel the need to end it after you've talked with her, then so be it.

  6. You need to talk to your girlfriend about this one. Sorry im no help i know, but if its any help to you your not alone , its just the way of the world these days.

  7. you felt like you were cheated on,,

    because you were.

    just because she was with a girl

    doesnt make it any different.

  8. if i was in your situation then i would not call off the relationship straight away, you said that u had been together 5 yrs so obviously u have meaningful feelings for eachother, u also said that she had been drinking, if she was sober she may have not done it or thought about it. so i think u should talk to her and hear her out, she what she has to say for herself, then think about ending it.

  9. i think you have been cheated on me and my partner having another woman in our bed it was our fantasy we thought it would never happen but it did our babysitter is a L*****n we,d had plenty to drink and the conversation became sexual i asked what it was like to be with another woman then she kissed me, me and my and partner spoke  about our fantasy and both agreed on going ahead there were a couple of things that we all had to agree on we all had a great time that was a year ago and nothing has happened since, whether it will happen again who knows we are open minded people

  10. cheating is cheating, and to do it with you there is harsh, kick her to the curb

  11. of course what she did was wrong, how can you say you don't know if it was or not?

    you need to talk to her and hopefully it will turn out to have just been a stupid mistake that will never happen again (but only you can decide if you should give her another chance or not), even if this is the case it doesn't make it any better, she will have to learn that she can't just get away with it and will have to regain your trust

    good luck and sorry i couldn't be more help xx

  12. man you should of joined in  

  13. You did the right thing its gross to cheat no matter with what gender, find yourself a straight girl and no I'm not one of those guys that likes girl on girl man or woman doing that to a partner is wrong!! good luck and you did nothing wrong don't feel guilty! Its her that should feel that for not being honest to herself and you! good luck

  14. Of course it's wrong. Whether it be with another a girl or another guy, she had s*x with someone who wasn't you. She could use the excuse that, "I was just experimenting" but she could say that if she was having s*x with another guy "I was experimenting, I've never slept with an italian before."

    She cheated. To call off the relationship? May have been a bit sudden, talk to her, see what's really going on.  You don't have to forgive her right away but don't treat this any differently just because she was with another girl.

  15. dam i feel sorry for you your girl cheated on you with a gurl??!!!  wat she did was bad because it is still cheating

  16. Be a man you don,t need a homosexual for a girl friend if she will have s*x with another woman what wont she do not only do you have to watch her with other guys now you have to look out for other women what,s next dogs

  17. She cheated on you. At the end of the day, if it had been with another man, you would still have dumped her, right? Just because she was with another woman and it's one of your fantasies doesn't mean it's acceptable!

    I think you did the right thing by ending your relationship. It's now up to you to decide whether you want to take her back.

    Ultimately, if you love one another you may be able to work this out. But you should be aware that you will probably always have doubts because if she cheated once, who is to say she won't cheat on you again?  

  18. no33 is right dude- you need to talk to her.

    I know that when I'm drunk I dont always act the way I do when I'm sober. the alcohol does some weird S**t, dude.

    Just talk it out with her- it's the honorable thing to do. be the better person

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