
I DESPISE my sister's boyfriend?

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Okay sister is upset because I don't like her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is upset because all of my sister's friends (including me) hate him. My sister is worried that if none of her friends like him that he will break up with her because he thinks all of the hate surrounding her will make her break up with him because she'll start hating him too. The thing is my sis says he's trying to get people to like him but he can't be trying that hard.


Here's my latest encounter with him:

We were at the carnival right? We came because my sis wanted to see him(he's working there). She calls him and tells him we're here and wants to know which stand he is working at. Instead of being helpful, and saying something like "oh I'm over at the so and so stand" he says he wants to play hide and seek and we have to find him. This is annoying to me because I don't want to see him anyway, let alone work to do something I don't want to do. We circle the place over seven (and then I stopped counting) times. We never saw him. He's given us one tip:pit beef, the thing is the pit beef place is in the middle of everything we think he's working at. Eventually we give up and share some cotton candy. About half an hour (or it feels like it) after we give up he calls my sis and asks what happened. She tells him she gave up and he gives her another clue for us to work off of. When we're about to give up I finally spot him with a blow up hammer. We walk over and they hug and I'm standing there looking pissed. He starts bopping us on the head with the inflatable hammers. Doesn't that sound like he's trying to make me like him? I am laughing hysterically, mostly though at my sister's reaction which is to push him. (She's not doing that great of a job either). We leave in about 5 minutes and then do absolutely nothing for another hour. We're both completely bored but my sister wants an excuse to leave. we're going to wait a half an hour until 9 so we can say that's when our parents want us home (which our mom did say). After another five minutes I'm completely bored. My sister asks if I want to leave. I say sure. She asks again. I say sure again. She says she's going to use me as an excuse to leave i say I'm standing far away from her then. We go back over to her boyfriend and she tells him we're leaving and then he walks over to me and tells me to get over it. i step back (he's right in front of me) and he takes a step forward "get over it" he repeats this continues a couple times until I turn away and start walking towards the exit. He follows me to a point still saying "get over it" and then before I turn the corner where I won't be able to see them anymore my sister finally runs to my side and we leave. She goes "You really hate him don't you?" I look at her like she's stupid (I tell her I hate him practically every day) and she asks why i left. Why she asks! I don't say anything.

What can I do about this. I don't want to upset her by not liking him, but as you can see he doesn't seem to even try to be likable! HE MAKES ME SO MAD! Any suggestions on dealing with him or how to get my sister to get over my hating him?

Thx in advance

<3 A desperate little Sis




  1. wow that sucks man.

    how old are you and your sister?

    really the best advice i can give you is:

    a) tell your sister she has to learn to stand up to her bf and just be able to tell him she&#039;s going home without needing an excuse

    b) tell him to stop being such a d**k

    c) avoid him as much as possible, stop accompanying your sister when she goes to see him.

    hope this helps!

    and i hope things improve!

  2. You could point out the fact that your sister is dating a Carnie! I mean seriously, wtf? A Carnie? That&#039;s the best she can do? And one that plays lame games and doesn&#039;t have anything interesting enough to keep you busy but expects you to hang out and talk to him at work? At a Carnival? With other Carnies?

  3. you writing a novel or something?

  4. Get over what? o.O If he&#039;s that big of an *** then they will probably break up in a few weeks

  5. i did not read any of this.   but there is no need i getting upset about anything he does.  alll you can do is respect that your sis likeshim--- you just stay away from him-- if it is something bad--- she will eventually see for herself.   like i said i did not read any of this.  just wanted to help you--- this kinda thing happens alot--- where someone doesn&#039;t like a family members bf/ or gf/ or spouse.  just respect her.  

  6. I&#039;m not reading all that ****.

  7. uh he kinda sounds mentally challenged you lost me at the get over it part...get over what. my advise would be to not hang out with her when hes with her sounds kinda rude but when she says you wanna go some were ask whos gonna be there if she says her boyfriend say you cant go for what ever reason.other advice would to just kick his ***

  8. people are so ******* mean anyway i read most of it actually i think all of it! So, trying to help, anyway if ya don&#039;t like him just tell your sis he is okay and when he talks to u try not to ignore him but just give a hint like don&#039;t be a stuck up s****. ***** just act like one but respect your sis&#039;s relation so she doesn&#039;t blame all of u later on and that shouldn&#039;t even disturb your sis if you don&#039;tlike&#039;em she is going out with him not u good luck with all your problems just ignore the situation

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