

by  |  earlier

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okay i dont know really how to word this out but, I'm hoping people can listen and could answer me what to do. okay I'm a 14 yr old girl and i cut myself i stopped like 4 months ago and still i feel the urge to cut. since i stopped cutting i've been wanting to kill myself since i was 10 but, when i started cutting in 7th grade stopped it just help when i started cutting i was so much happier then but i had to stop cause the kids in my class were starting to talk and so were teachers. so i stop for about 4 months. then in 8th grade i stared up again while helping my friend with the same problem but it was her meds acting up on her she has asma. now i don't now what to do i always break down after awhile, my cosin was helping me at first but then he starts ignoring the suicide thing and tell me i don't need help but i told him i would stop talking him about the this stuff so now I'm alone i have no one to help me but, myself and i need serious advise. i dont now really what t do and i don't trust my parents and i don't want them to know they'll make everything worse. i need to know what to do........... PLEASE.... I'M.... BEGGING...... YOU




  1. just think of happy things in your life when you get the urge to cut and please dont cut your self im begging you kk its hard to stop when you already stopped email me everytime you get the urge to cut or get on the computer and type your anger out and your problems out that always helps keep a diary please just dont cut your self

  2. I'll put it bluntly - you need help, professional help. I'm sorry some idiot on the internet has to break to you but it's about time at least someone was straight with. This is not normal and I even considered it could be a joke post.

  3. jane, I don't know why you want to do something to hurt your self but I have a couple pieces of advice. 1 you can ask your counselor at school to find you a private counselor to talk to. 2 find a friend to talk to about your problems or 3 you can start your own self help system for example when you are feeling good about your self right out a list of things that are good about your self and reasons you have for staying alive things like what you want to do with your life so that you have something to look forward to then look at it every time you are feeling down. But my I think the thing that would work the best is to find a counselor that could work with you to build your self esteem just remember it will take time to fix it so you have to stick with it but its good that you are asking for help because it means you want help

  4. i think you should deffently tell your parents, yes they will be mad but their your parents and you need help . trust me.  

  5. Stay in there!

    Your parents love you, and you should trust them.

    You need help, medical help.

    Your dealing with serious issues here,

    cutting oneself is a mental disease.

    If you really do not trust your parents,

    go to your school counselor and tell them you need help.

    I think you should ask your parents to take you to get help fast.

    If you do, that would make you so strong, and they would be proud of you

    for being able to recognize and being strong enough to step up!

    Whatever you do, do not kill yourself. You are so young, think about how much left you have to do.

    There are online sites that let you talk to people, try googling them.

    There so many resources out there to help you.

    Best of luck, if you need anything feel free to message me!

  6. wow you have got to stop! cutting yourself will just make things worse y is it that you feel the urge 2 cut yourself? talk 2 sum1 about it you need sum help hope everything works out and whatever it is i'm sure it will work out :)

  7. If you are seriously suicidal, then you can either admit it to someone, or bottle it up and try to ignore it. Having suicidal thoughts doesn't mean you're definitely going to kill yourself. And with the cutting thing, that's not a solution to anything, and helps nothing. Some famous bloke once said "most of the shadows in this life are caused by our standing in our own sunlight", ie you may be making everything seem worse, by thinking it's worse than it is. I was in a similar spot recently, and realised that by thinking everything was so bad, it made it all seem worse. If you can believe that it's not actually that bad, then you may realise that it's probably not.

  8. You need to realize that your life does matter and suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems.

    My daughter tried to kill herself and lucky she did not succeed.  One thing she realized afterwards is how many people cared about her.  And I mean really cared about her.  She got a lot of visitor at the hospital who were completely shocked and offered to do anything she needed.  Of course family members also showed up too.

    You are probably going to need professional help and maybe medication to help stablize your body chemistry.  But don't keep things inside, you need to find someone other then family members to listen to you.  Getting involved in some activity that you always wanted to will also do some good.  You need to find other stimulus' that allow you to take up your time and get your mind focusing on other things then cutting or suicide.

    You matter!!!  And you will grow into a special person someday!


  9. Hello there.

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion; use advice at your own discretion.

    I think you need medical attention asap.

    Suicidal thoughts are not something to be taken lightly. Tell your parents and get some therapy or talk to your doctor!

    I wish you all the best. Good luck!

  10. Why did you start in the first place? Its not safe and please stop, i know its hard. I can't really imagine what you are going through cuz i never did it and i never will. I cnat even imagine it so i won't be a big help but i know loads of people who do, loads of people do now. Plus doesnt your parnets notice? Why did you start ....why did you start....why did you start.....why did you start.....why did you start? Please include this info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you do ill give more advice.

  11. okay do not cut yourself anymore. as much as you are tempted to you can't. why did you do it in the first place? we are here for you. us on yahoo answers don't know you but if you are in this much need of help then we will help you. wear bright colors, be around nice people, and try to have fun. right now, find a picture on the internet and start drawing it. make it a happy picture. maybe drawing will become a hobby and you will become so much involved in that and you won't do that other stuff anymore. if you need any more help, you can always e-mail me at

    many blessings

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