
I Desperately Want a dog but my Dad won't go for it how do I convince him?

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Yes , I am Desperate. I have wanted a dog my entire life. I will be 13 in 4 days. I haven't asked for anything for my Birthday yet. Although I mentioned a dog maybe 100 times. My parents reasons were ...

1. We don't have a Big yard.

2. Dogs make the house smell bad.

3. The p**p.

4. The hair.

Here was my solutions.

1. If I walked the dog everyday , it would still get good exercise. I know I would walk the dog because I love to go for walks. I love walking my friends dog. I do it everyday with her. I also wanna lose weight so it'd help me to walk more.

2. If I washed the dog Twice a week it'd smell good. I love washing dogs , it's fun. Also , dogs are easier to wash unlike cats.

3. I definitely don't mind scooping p**p because if I like an animal or want it that bad I will do anything for it.

4. Well , If I washed it there wouldn't be as much hair. Also , I could brush it well once a week. And if the furniture was really bad I could use one of those roller things.

Here's my reasons I want one so bad.

-It's help me lose weight.

-There more interactive than any other animal.

- I could teach it cool tricks,

-It would make me feel safer.

-I just love dogs.

My Parents don't want one too because they think Since I don't brush my cat , that I wouldn't do it to the dog. Yes , in most cases there right but the thing is I don't really feel the same way about cats as I do dogs. Also the cat is more my brothers than mine. I don't feel I need to brush the cat hat he likes more. Also that the cat is very patient with him and when I brush him he runs away.

My mom said that she'd be fine with me having a dog as long as my dad was ok with it.

I don't want nothing huge. I'd be happy with a small-ish dog. But I'd love a Medium Sized one. I would like a Shiba-inu.

I don't feel my life is Complete with out the dog. I have ALWAYS dreampt about one. I would do anything for one. I'd get rid of all my toys , Computer , Cell phone , Everything even Tv.

So how do I convince them?




  1. When the parents say "no" it simply means no. You don't want to bring an animal into a situation where everyone is not on board with the idea.

    Honestly it sounds to me like you're making excuses for the cat. Try taking more responsibility there first, and it may help convince your parents you're able to care for an animal. It may also help if you have choirs around the house and do them constantly without reminder.

    Be sure to be researching breeds as well. Shiba-inus act more like cats than dogs, and the dog will likely be doing many of the things you are complaining about your cat doing.

    * Dogs are not a weight solving problem. I can say this first hand, even getting outside more with your pet your going to have to change your diet and be determined to lose it.

    - Continuing with the walking note: Are you prepared to walk every single day no matter what?

    Remember just because you're tired and don't want to go exercise that day doesn't mean the dog doesn't need exercise that day. This also means if it's raining, snowing, hailing, or anything else you can't just skip out. You still need to exercise your dog.

    * Washing a dog twice a week is not a good idea at all. Doing this would remove natural oils necessary in the dog's coat.

    Generally dogs are washed and groomed roughly every month (with some breeds needing more or less attention paid to grooming).

    Throwing the dog in the tub isn't the only answer either. You need to be able to trim the fur, the nails, have dog specific shampoo (and proper equipment is needed for all this).

    If you're unable to do this you'll need to take the dog to a groomers, and it's not that cheap of a trip.

    * Dogs shed, it's a fact of life. There will be fur in your house, on your clothing, and god help you when shedding season comes (for many dogs you can brush them all day and still have fur everywhere).

    I vacuum 2 times a week, brush my girl every single day, and everything around me is still fuzzy. I don't want to even talk about the household of my friend who owns a German Shepherd.

    * You will be scooping p**p every single day. You will be scooping p**p multiple times a day.

    It's not pleasant, it's not fun, and you can not decided "Just this once" to skip out on it.

    Firstly go do some research. You seem to be focusing on everything they show in glorified media.

    Dogs are a ton of responsibility- They need fed, walked, trained, cared for, and take so much of your time. You also need to remember every breed (and dog even) is different and there are going to be some that may suit you, and many that would not at all.

    After you've throughly researched you need to speak to you're parents as an adult and discuss their concerns. The moment you whine, or start to fuss you've lost the argument. Remember in the end it's their discussion and they choose yes or no in the end.

    They'll be the ones paying for this dog (A few thousand dollars every single year- supplies, food, vet bills, and so on add up), they'll be the ones stuck with it when you get bored (and yes, every 13-year-old wants a dog so bad, but 90%+ get bored quickly), they'll be training it, they'll be watching it when you're gone (you do go to school, and I'm sure you'll want to go out with friends and boys on occasion), and they'll likely be stuck with the dog when you go off to college (they don't let dogs into the dorms after all).

    Think long and hard, come up with good arguments, and be sure you're (honestly) ready before you even bring it up to your parents. Bluntly- Don't be selfish.


    I would like to add dogs are not "more interactive than any other animal," cats can be taught interesting tricks as well (and no it's not any harder than training a dog, the training methods are just different), and loving all animals would cause you to pay more attention to your cat likely.

  2. Your parents made all good points. It is very difficult if everyone is not on board with the idea. It is a very big responsibility as well as a very expensive one. Is someone going to be home with the dog now that school is starting? How are you going to train the dog? Who is going to clean up after the dog? Are you familiar with breed characteristics? Who is going to take the dog to the vet? It is a huge responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. Make sure you have thought everything out before you even consider getting a dog. Good luck.

  3. here's the say you have need patience to train a dog...puppies are soooo cute, but some people get frustrated during training and don't have the time or the patience.  You have to train them to be housebroken AND also teach them tricks and be consistant.  I would suggest that you get a book on training a puppy or do research on the internet on owning a puppy so that you understand how much time it will take and so your parents will know that you are serious.

    I think it's great that you love dogs, I love them too.  But when I was a teenager and we had a family dog, my Mom was the one that ended up spending the most time with the dog (feeding, bathroom, brushing, etc.) since my brothers & sister & I were with our friends, at school, after-school activities, sports, movies, etc.  We didn't do it on purpose, we were all just very busy at that time in our lives.  But the dog lived 14 years and had at least 13 of those years very happy and was loved by all.

  4. just say he snuck in your yard




  6. Well your first problem is that washing a dog twice a weak will dry its skin out and wreck its coat. Dogs need baths once maybe twice a month.

    Problem number two : You don't need a dog to loose weight, and unless you really need to you need to be talking to your doctor about it and how to change your diet. Loosing weight should be your motivation to get out and walk not your pet.

    How is a dog going to make you feel safer? That is your parents job not the animals.

    If your dad has said no more than once he means it. What are you going to do 5 years from now when you are headed to college? Are you parents just supposed to continue to take care of YOUR dog for another 2-4 years?

    You are going to be heading into High school soon are you still going to have all the time in the world for this dog?  Your best bet is to wait until you are out on your own to get an animal.

  7. well it shouldnt be your primary reason to lose weight that sounds a little weak

    but other than that, go to library look at some books of dog breeds and read about their temperment especially

    and be careful young dogs can be really crazy sometimes, cuz theyre young

    bichon frise are cute and small

  8. Unfortunately you can't convince them if they don't want the responsibility of a dog.  They will have to pay the vet bills, and probably end up feeding it, walking it, etc. when you get caught up in things that 13 year olds do.  Sorry but respect your parents wishes and wait until you are older, on your own, and then you can have as many dogs as your can afford.  And FYI you can't wash a dog twice a week.  it will strip the oils from their coat and cause dry skin.  Most dogs only need a bath once a month.  Also in your reasons for wanting one I didn't see where you said you wanted the responsibility of owning and caring for a pet.  Lots of people love dogs, but not everyone is able to care for a dog properly.  Unfortunately most children are not mature enough to handle all the responsibilities that goes with owning a dog.  

  9. -It's help me lose weight.

    -There more interactive than any other animal.

    - I could teach it cool tricks,

    -It would make me feel safer.

    -I just love dogs.

    -The worst reason in the world.What about when you've lost weight? You won't want to walk it anymore. What if you don't lose weight? You deffo won't walk it anymore. So many people think that this is a good reason to get a dog, but its the WORST.

    - Not true. Rats actaullt interact with animals loads .. some dog's don't want to know you. Its personality really .. What if you get a dog that does'nt like playing, or being around you?

    - Do you know how hard it is to teach a dog 'cool tricks', you can't exaclty just say '' hey rover lie down, speak' and expect them to know how to do it. The basic 'sit' is probably all you'd accomplish. A dog is NOT a toy for god sake.

    -How would it make you feel safer? Do you really think a dog will protect you? The only dogs which really do, are either trained to, or are territorial...Which will cause problems for you.

    If you want to feel safer .. get some pepper spray for gods sake.

    -I just love dogs . .. sure you do.

    For about 2 weeks. Til fluffy gets boring..which it probably will, because you sound pretty immature to me.

    If you really loved dogs, instead of whinging and giving us all these crappy reason to help you trick your parents into getting a dog,you'd be doing something about it. Offering to walk other people's dogs . volunteering at a animal shelter ect.

    And you obviuosly don't know alot about dogs ..

    for example .. i could bath it twice a week ..

    dogs aren't meant to be bathed twice a MONTH! it takes the natural oil out of their skin, which is really really bad for them. You could also irratate their skin.

    When you say you 'dream of having one' you mean .. you dream of having a Shiloh, lassie ect kind of dog, that is your best friend, and stuff ..

    reality check dude ..

    Its not all fun and games.

    Its ALOT of hard work.

    What about in a few years when you've moved out to college? what wil you do with the dog then? youcan't expect your parents to look after it.

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