
I Dont know What to do PLAYMATE HELP?

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Im 14 and Want to be succesful and get a degree in bussiness. Dont tell me im thinking to far ahead. If i dnt go far in bussines i want to be a socail worker. I wanted to do well but my one true passion is to become a Playmate/ Model aka jordan or a normal Model BUT MOSTLY FIRST TWO. I just want to know if i did become a playmate or like jordan a glamour model when it finished would people take me serious remeber im 14 so i know what i want so dont say i will change my mind.




  1. again you ask...............................

    Nobody takes Jordan seriously so what makes you think you will be any different?

    edit - below you are advising a 14 year old gal to strive to get her b*****s out!!!! what pills have you been taking? what if this was YOUR daughter?

  2. go for it.

    if you have the abilities then theres nothing stopping you getting a degree and going into the modelling business.

    i think you'll find that many models are well educated - whether, as you say, they will be taken seriously after their modelling career is finished, then who knows - but who knows how life will turn out anyway?

    if its what you want to do then do it all!

    regret what you did, not what you didn't do.

    i disagree with the first response - i'm sure at 14 you do know what you want - school tells you to make choices so you have to have some idea!!

    your views may change as you grow and mature, but right now THIS is what you want - its only with experience that we all grow and see what we need out of life.

    if you don't experience it, how will you know?

  3. You will be known for getting your b***s out and nothing else, you could be the most educated person with a strong desire to do well in business but people will not take you seriously and I strongly doubt you'd get a job in social services.

  4. ok jordan is rich and successfull but does anyone in the world take her serious ???she is wordly known for getting her t1ts out

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