
I Dropped My Turtle on the Cement Ground? Is it Dead? Or Hurt?

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I found a turtle outside so i brought it in and was holding it, and it started coming out of its shell. I was so scared that I dropped it from about 3 feet. Is it hurt? It was just starting to like me so how can I make it like me again?




  1. Its probably not dead, but it could be seriously hurt.

  2. never ever kidnap wildlife.

  3. im sorry but he will probly not make it. ive done the same thing once. be very cautious as how you hold them. my poor little guy is 2feet under now.

  4. poor little guy probably wont make it. if i were you i might start digging a hole in the backyard. sry. :(



















  5. Unless you body slammed it the worst thing that could have happened was that the turtle MAY HAVE been shaken up, even then he would have got ton over it very quickly.

  6. Take it to a herp vet so they can evaluate a little better and help if there are cracks in the shell or other injuries. Turtles can recover from injuries including falls and being hit by cars but you need to get him checked out ASAP.

    Here is a link for Herp vets

  7. just let it rest and make sure it does not crawl anywhere but to go potty or to eat. try to pet it ad watch it all day. act like its a baby and watch over it. those turtles can be evil sometimes though. watch out for their mouths they bite

  8. pet it take care of it feed it until it likes you again thats what i did when i had a turtle much worse 2 turtles so let it grow old in good hands then sooner or later it will be confident around you.  and it will start to like you again.

  9. you took an animal from its home and it scared you so that you dropped it.  you have a responsibility to take it to a vet to make sure it is ok.  after you find out about the turtle if it is in fact ok take it back to where you found it and let it go on its way.  if you want a pet turtle go to the pet store and buy one.

  10. more info ..

    is he moving, shell cracked?

    He is probably in shock.

    water or land turtle.

    if it is moving go put it back or under some bushes .where you found it and pray it was not hurt.

    Contact the “, for a turtle vet in your city and state.

    OR email me for more help..

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