
I FORGOT!!!!!!!!! how do i know when's my period(girls only)?

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i forgot when i got my period and what day great dont want toget my panties dirty

also i wanna start using tampons but i am sooo scare and my mom say i cant what do i do




  1. You should have some signs right before- some mild cramping or breast tenderness.  Also, you can get some pantyliners and keep whatever you use (pad, tampon if your mother agrees) in your purse or backpack.  When you go to the bathroom you'll know when it starts, and the pantyliner will be there for backup.

  2. ok!

    Heres what you should do:

    1. You'll know when your getting your period cause you'll feel fat, cranky, your b***s will hurt and you might even be a little depressed

    2. Dont listen to you mom, its your v****a and you should be able to use tamps!

    so, if you've never used one before, grab a small size, like a lite, and put vasaline on the applicator and pop it up in there. (read the directions that come in the tamp box if you dont know how)

    My favorite tamps are tampax pearl.

    ohh, dont be scared of them, I can honestly tell you that tampons will become your best friend, once you get used to them, you'll hardly know that you have one in, and your period will be a much happier time for you!!  

  3. You might have some cramping or even light spotting. Breast tenderness. All sorts of PMS symptoms.

    If you want to use tampons. Go right ahead.

    Go to the store and buy a box yourself. Tampax pearl are amazing. They don't hurt no matter what size (unless using a super but I HIGHLY doubt you have that heavy of a period already) and have really easy directions in the box.

    Keep the box in your room. If she finds them tell her that you wanted to use them, she said no, and you did it anyway because you like them better and they are more comfortable. Which they really are and are MUCH more sanitary.

  4. i agree with her ^ but you get cramps a lil bit of spotting

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